By ILTAF MEHDI 2 Course Details LecturesAssignmentsPresentation Lab Work (Practical)
By ILTAF MEHDI 3 LANGUAGE? Language is a source of communication between people. It is medium of Expression What is the computer language? To establish a communication between user and computer. (HRF, MRF) In general, there are two classes of languages Natural languages Natural languages Programming Languages Programming Languages
By ILTAF MEHDI 4 Natural languages These are the languages through which the human beings communicate with each other. For example: English, Urdu, French, Pashto etc. Programming languages These are the languages through which the human beings communicate with the computer. These are the most widely used mediums between the user and the computer. Examples are C, C++, COBOL, PASCAL, BASIC, FORTRAN etc. The programming languages are classified into two types: 1) Low level languages. 2) High level languages
By ILTAF MEHDI 5 1)Low-Level Language It consists of two types of languages Machine language Machine language Machine Language was the first language used for computers as a source of communication This is the only language which is directly understandable by the machine (computer) and needs no translation programs (compiler, Assembler, Interpreter). Machine language is the language of binary digits 0’s and 1’s(“0” means “OFF” and “1” means “ON) that is why it is also called as binary language. It is very difficult to write programs using 0’s and 1’s i.e. in machine language. Thus machine language is totally machine dependent and is efficient for computers and inefficient for programmers.
By ILTAF MEHDI 6 Main Points of Machine language The first language that was invented. The first language that was invented. It is machine dependant. It is machine dependant. It is also called binary language. It is also called binary language. It is the most complicated and hard language. It is the most complicated and hard language. A program created in machine language A program created in machine language cannot be run on any other computer cannot be run on any other computer Machine language depends on electric pulses (i.e on / off). Machine language depends on electric pulses (i.e on / off).