Project by: Nikitin A. Lipin A. Kutsukuk V. NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE “KPI” INSTRUMENT MAKING FACULTY OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES DEPARTMENT Remote control for Power Point RC Supervised by: Borovitskyi V. N. Kondratenko D. U.
Purpose The main function of this device is remote controlling of Power Point presentations for better convenience and time saving while holding presentations and scientific reports Device algorithm Device designed on the basis of microcontroller Atmel Mega 16. Power is supplied by USB and transformed to MAX232
National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” Optical and optoelectronic devices department Kyiv 03056, prospekt Peremogy 37 National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” Optical and optoelectronic devices department Kyiv 03056, prospekt Peremogy Project developed within the limits of subject “Microprocessors and computers” Project developed within the limits of subject “Microprocessors and computers” CONTACT US:
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