聖雅福音基督教會. Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego - History Services held at Elder Chijen Lin’s home 1989 EFC San Diego (Chinese Ministry) established.


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Presentation transcript:


Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego - History Services held at Elder Chijen Lin’s home 1989 EFC San Diego (Chinese Ministry) established 1992 Harvest San Diego (English Ministry) established 1990 Services moved to Solana Beach Pres. Attending 1990 EFC retreat at Bethel Garden

Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego - History 1993 Services moved to Santa Fe Christian School 2011 Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego (HECSD) name adopted 1998 Current land purchased 2010 Moved-in to current facility Dedication Service June 6 th, 2010

Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Building a House Worthy of His Name ~ Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Building a House Worthy of His Name ~ 1998 Current land purchased 2010 Moved-in to current facility Dedication Service June 6 th, 2010 Groundbreaking - Oct 14 th, 2007 Current Facility

Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Congregations & Fellowships ~ Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Congregations & Fellowships ~ Retreat 2008 English Congregation Fellowship Love Feast

Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Local Missions ~ Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Local Missions ~ Campus Ministry Host Family Discipleship

Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Global Missions ~ Harvest Evangelical Church of San Diego ~ Global Missions ~ 普世豐聖生命中心 Global Life Enrichment Center 短期宣教 ( 短期宣教 (Short Term Mission) : 中國, 台灣, 東南亞, 東歐, 俄羅斯 台灣宣教 Chris & Emily Pang, OMF 大陸事工 神州華傳 Eunice Hsu, 神州華傳 (GOI) 昆明 Homer Shen, 昆明 David Pat, OMF 台福內湖教會 General Assembly in Taiwan ( 內湖 ) 泰國宣教 : Wendy Wong,The Hope Foundation Ltd.