6PQ Method for Discovery Learning Content is taken from Brigham Young University-Idaho 1
Problem Jared, an Economics tutor, is frustrated because he knows that students need to be actively involved in the learning process yet Jared repeatedly falls into the trap of doing all the talking and explaining in his tutoring sessions. Based on what you already know about effective tutoring, what might Jared do to get students more actively involved? 2
Problem 3 Do students want to be actively involved?
Problem Students’ Comments Taken from Tutor Evaluation Forms Winter 2002 “If he asked more to know exactly what I was having trouble with that would not only help him understand my needs better but also help me understand them better.” “Let us explain the material in our own words so we will be able to know if we understand the material.” “She could make sure we understand by having us explain it to her." 4
The Idea of a University A man may hear a thousand lectures, and read a thousand volumes, and be at the end of the process very much where he was, as regards knowledge. Something more than merely admitting it in a negative way into the mind is necessary, if it is to remain there. It must not be passively received, but actually and actively entered into, embraced, mastered. The mind must go half-way to meet what comes to it from without. --John Henry Newman, 1852 The Idea of a University 5
Benefits of Questioning VS Explaining Questioning encourages students to be active participants in the learning process. Questioning helps us clearly determine what the students know from what is uncertain. Questioning allows students to discover the answers; therefore, the learning is more meaningful. 6
6PQ 7 1 Preface 2 Pace 3 Probe 4 Prod 5 Prompt 6 Process
6PQ 1: Preface Preface builds rapport with the student. It is a time to ask general questions. Example: What is it exactly that I can help you with? 8
6PQ 2: Pace Pace sets the tone for the rest of the session. You determine the known from the unknown. Example: Tell me all you know about_____. 9
6PQ 3.Probe The PROBE level will consume most of the time for your tutoring session. Example: Why? Can you give me reasons? What make you think so? Would you tell me more? Can you give me an example? 10
6PQ 5: Prod PRODS are questions which encourage a student to speculate. They encourage guessing. Example: If you had to guess, what would you say? I understand that you don’t know, but if you did know, what might it be? What do you feel it is? Vs. What do you think it is? 11
6PQ 6: Prompt A Prompt is a hint in question form. Use prompts when you have helped the student discover the true uncertainty. Prompts explain in question form. In this level, the student will discover the answer! 12
6PQ 6:Process PROCESSING allows the student to think about the new information more fully. Example: Now that you understand this concept, how would compare it with another concept? How would you contrast it? How do you see this concept fitting into the entire course? Ask the student if he or she would like to work through some examples. Ask the student if he or she would like to work on some assignments. 13
Before ending the session Before ending the session, have the student paraphrase the highlights of the session. The best way to present this is to go back to the Level Two Pace Question: 1. What can you tell me about_________ now? 2. Now tell me everything you know about ____. 14
Exceptions There are times when you don’t have to go through all the levels. The student may discover the answer on any level. If discovered before Level Five, be sure you skip to Level Six to process the information. Sometimes you need to skip back and forth between levels. Just be sure you know where you are, why you’re skipping, and don’t forget to paraphrase. There are times when Questioning won’t work, and you’ll have to explain. Attempt to put explanations in question form 15
Conclusion The 6PQ Discovery Learning Session may take anywhere from five minutes to an hour to conduct depending on the student, the subject, and your specific time limitations. 16