How do typewriters work? Typewriters explained. By Callum Lilley
What is a typewriter? A typewriter is a machine, that is now history, that prints letters onto an A4 sheet of paper. You used to have a keyboard. You would type and it would print and move the paper along one letter at a time.
How does a typewriter print? When you type a letter a piece of metal, called the Mylar, in the shape of the letter, and covered in ink, flings up and prints the letter onto the piece of paper. If you type too quickly you can jam it because of all the pieces of metal flying up and bashing into each other.
The Mylar. The part that prints the letters The keys. Arranged in the QWERTY arrangement The paper holder. The part that holds the paper. The carriage. The part that moves the paper along one letter at a time. The Cylinder The part that helps move the carriage along
The pattern of a typewriter keyboard The pattern on a typewriter keyboard is in a very QWERTY way. But why??? I can tell you. The original typewriter was too slow for fast typists so they arranged the keys in a QWERTY way to slow them down.
How does a typewriter delete? The typewriter doesn’t have a delete button. You merely have to get some white ink and you have to paint over the mistake and type over it.
When were typewriters made? The first typewriter that actually worked was made in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes and a few other people too. The first electric typewriter was made by George Blinkensderfer in 1902.
Conclusion And there you have it. All you need to know about-t typewriters. Typewriters work by putting paper in the carriage. You type using the keyboard and a piece of metal will fly up and smack the paper. If you type too fast the typewriter can jam. Every time I type a letter this piece called the cylinder pushes the carriage along one letter at a time.
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