Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Wednesday January 9 Day 3
Meeting Today! Room G11 Questions? Contact
Looking to start 2013 off right?! Join Turbo Jam Club. If you still haven't signed up, all are welcome to come Wednesday after school. Please come to this meeting; it is very important! If you cannot come find Meghan Raffensperger to get a permission slip.
Members of the Class of 2013 Senior Mid Year Reports In order to ensure accurate mid year reporting to colleges, please submit all college denial, acceptances, and waitlisting to the Guidance Office immediately. The Guidance Office will make copies for you. Also submit any scholarships received. Thank you.
CURTAINS is the Masque spring 2013 show! At this moment, auditions for all men and upper class ladies (grades 11 and 12) will be Tuesday, January 15th starting at 12:30. Underclass ladies will be Wednesday, January 16 starting at 12:30. Callbacks will be Thursday, January 17 immediately after dismissal. Audition music will be available later this week. CURTAINS is the Masque spring 2013 show! At this moment, auditions for all men and upper class ladies (grades 11 and 12) will be Tuesday, January 15th starting at 12:30. Underclass ladies will be Wednesday, January 16 starting at 12:30. Callbacks will be Thursday, January 17 immediately after dismissal. Audition music will be available later this week.
IMPORTANT— Any senior doing her interdisciplinary research paper semester 2, stop in room 207 and pick up the requirements and the calendar of due dates from Mr D. IMPORTANT— Any senior doing her interdisciplinary research paper semester 2, stop in room 207 and pick up the requirements and the calendar of due dates from Mr D.
The Maria Goretti Spirit Club will begin January 22 nd. All students that have already signed up please stop by Miss Dorrie’s office to get the new calendar for this semester. Any students still interested in helping please see Ms. Dorrie The Maria Goretti Spirit Club will begin January 22 nd. All students that have already signed up please stop by Miss Dorrie’s office to get the new calendar for this semester. Any students still interested in helping please see Ms. Dorrie
The cheerleaders will be competing this Saturday, January 12 at North Hills High School for the WPIAL Championship. The competition starts at noon and OC performs at 1:00. Admission for students is $5. Good Luck to our cheerleading squad!
Mid – Term Schedule Friday January 11 Monday January 14 Tuesday January 15 Wednesday January 16 Thursday January 17 Period 3 Exam 8:00-9:30 Period 4 Exam 8:00-9:30 Period 1 Exam 8:00-9:30 Period 6 Exam 8:00-9:30 Period 8 Exam 8:00-9:30 Shortened periods the rest of the day Period 5 Exam 9:45-11:15 Period 2 Exam 9:45-11:15 Period 7 Exam 9:45-11:15 Period 9 Exam 9:45-11:15