SYLLABUS 2 Course Title: Special English For Computer Science Students Semester: Fall Class hours and location: Sundays, 16 17:30 (CLASS 10) Credit: 2 units Text Book(s): Professional English in Use ICT, Santiago Esteras and Elena Marco Fabre, Cambridge University Press, 3 rd edition, 2007.
SYLLABUS 5 Instructor: Sayed Mohammad Mehdi Feiz Grading (from points): Assignments (2.5), Quizzes (1.5), Class Attendance (1) : 25% (5) Midterm: 40% (8) Final Exam: 35% (7) Class Work (1) Contact me: Course website: Course address:
6 SYLLABUS Important dates: Midterm exam: 1393/09/14 (tentative) Final exam: 1393/11/08; 15:30 Legal holidays: 93/07/13, 93/09/30 (2 or 3 extra sessions) Website announcements: Class schedules Assignments due date Quizzes dates Academic Word List (AWL)
7 CLASS POLICIES & RULES Class rules: On time (tardiness equal to absence). Please, don’t speak together in class. Cell Phones must be turned off or silent when you are in class. There will be a zero grade for cheating/copying assignments. Providing your assignment to someone else is considered cheating on your behalf. Class policy for late submission of assignments: 80% of whole point for delivery up to 2 days after deadline. 50% of whole point for delivery up to one week after deadline. Do not even think of submission after more than one week delay!