Areas of focus for transformation of Agriculture in West & Central Africa Harold Roy-Macauley 10 th General Assembly of CORAF/WECARD 18 – 19 May 2012
Increase interactions with RECs Strengthen links with educational institutions and advisory Services Concretise partnership with the CGIAR and CRPs Support to advocacy Regional integration through WAAPP and CAAPP Capacity to use knowledge systems for productivity, entrepreneurship & decision-making ’ Response of CRPs to NARS & CAADP priorities Render Partnerships More Effective
Improve Access to Markets IAR4D – innovation systems – value chain approach More scope for providing markets to rural and urban poor
Demonstrate dividends from WAAPP & CAAPP and their spill over effects Linking research programmes to emerging issues: climate change, volatile food prices, market distortions, etc. Marketing agricultural research Bringing research back into Policy Agenda Provision of tools to facilitate research & policy interventions
Increase Investments