Chris Dore NETCEN, AEA Technology Uncertainty in the UK Heavy Metal Emissions Inventory
1. Different Emissions Estimates & Inventories MSC-E and McDonald Estimates Reverse modelling of concentration measurements to derive emissions … and therefore all sources (1 O & 2 O ) included National Inventories Bottom-up compilation to comply with LTRAP … and therefore only 1 O anthropogenic sources included Not comparing Like for Like Differences will include natural sources, and all 2 O, such as resuspension Driver for Improvements No international targets So no big improvement drivers for HMs limited EF development
2. UK Pb Emission Estimates Combustion Sources Dependent on the metal content of fuels- how certain? our unleaded petrol EF is taken directly from UKPIA … but is considerably smaller than other EFs (ESPREME). Process Emissions Usually very uncertain… … but expected to be small for Pb “Other” Sources Resuspension Non anthropogenic Missing anthropogenic
2. UK Pb Emission Estimates UK Emissions of Pb tonnes of Pb Other Correction Road Transport MSC-E
2. UK Pb Emission Estimates Conclusions- Pb Unleaded petrol very low Pb content, and therefore highly uncertain measurements Information also suggests a large range of values … combined with a huge activity, means very high uncertainty Needs further investigation Resuspension/”Other” Timeseries trend suggests a resuspension component … or “other” source (natural, unevaluated anthropogenic etc.) Whilst quantification is highly uncertain, methods suggest that resuspension alone would not be sufficient to make up the shortfall.
3. Other UK HM Estimates Nickel & Vanadium Similar liquid fuel content issues to Pb Current estimates considered to be over-estimates But cannot be assessed in detail until further metal content data become available for the different fuels Arsenic, Copper, Mercury and Zinc Burning of treated wood, tyre & brake wear, cremation and fireworks Sound methodologies, but high in uncertainty and could be underestimates. General Comment Some specific industrial sources probably under represented (metal recycling, galvanising, some non-ferrous fugitives, natural).
4. Conclusions 1.High uncertainties, and uncertain uncertainties! 2.Care required to ensure comparing like-for-like 3.Improvement to some sources will probably require further measurement work to improve EFs 4.Feedback from the modellers is very helpful Evaluation/assessment of emissions Focus for inventory or model improvement 5.Improved two-way dialogue and transparency should be encouraged/promoted.