To view the slideshow, click on “Slide Show” tab, then select “From Beginning”.
Use these slides to locate the answers to the questions on your worksheet. It is your job to “HUNT” for the information at each website. Write the answers on your worksheet as you find them, being sure to follow all directions.
State the definition of a polynomial and give an example of a polynomial based upon your definition.
Complete the chart, giving the name of the polynomial based upon its degree. Then give an example of each type of polynomial (NOT the ones found on the website).
State the Rational Zeros Theorem. n4.rhtml
What is synthetic division?
Who was the first person to fully prove the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which simply states that a polynomial of degree n has n complex roots?
Give at least three specific examples of how polynomials can be used in the real world. polynomials.html