OBJECTIVES At the end of the session the student should be able to: Explain hazards of waste, excreta and management in community and hospital Describe public health, medical entomology and control
SOLID WASTE It includes: Garbage (food waste) Rubbish (paper, plastic, wood, metal, glass,) Demolition products ( bricks, pipes) Dead animals, manure Solid products of sewage ( not night soil)
HAZARDS OF SOLID WASTE It decomposes and favours fly breeding Attract rodents Transmit pathogen back to man through flies or dust Pollution of soil and water Unsightly appearance and bad odours
MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE 1. Storage 2. Collection 3. Disposal a. Dumping b. Controlled tipping c. Incineration d. Composting e. Manure pits f. burial
EXCRETA Hazards of improper excreta disposal: Soil pollution water pollution Food contamination Propagation of flies (eg of diseases: typhoid and paratyphoid, dysenteries, diarrheas, cholera, hookworms, ascariasis, viral hepatitis,
METHODS OF EXCRETA DISPOSAL Unsewered areas: Bore hole latrine Pit latrine Water seal latrines Septic tank Aqua privy Sewered areas: Water carriage system and sewage treatment Sea, river outfall
HOSPITAL WASTE It is a waste that generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or in research activity
CLASSIFICATION OF HOSPITAL WASTE Infectious waste Pathological waste Pharmaceutical waste Genotoxic waste Chemical waste Waste with heavy metals Pressurized containers Radioactive waste
HAZARDS OF HOSPITAL WASTE It contains infectious agents It contains toxic chemicals and pharmaceutical It contains sharps It is genotoxic It is radioactive
DISPOSAL OF HOSPITAL WASTE Incineration Chemical disinfection Wet and dry thermal treatment Microwave irradiation Land disposal inertization
MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY It is the study of arthropods of medical importance Arthropods are the most numerous and varied living thing around man Some of them are allies helping in fertilization of flowers Others are of no use Some are the most dangerous enemies destroying corps, food reserves and causing disease
ARTHROPODS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE Class insectaClass arachnidaClass crustacea 1.Mosquitoes: Anophelines Culicines 1.Ticks: Hard ticks Soft ticks 1.Cyclops 2.Flies: Houseflies Sandflies Tsetse flies Blackflies 2.Mites: leptotrombidium Mites Itch mite 3.Human Lice: Head & body lice 4.Fleas: Rat fleas Sand fleas 5.Bugs
ARTHROPODS BORNE DISEASE Mosquito: 1. anopheles Malaria, filaria, viral encephalitis, viral hemorrhagic fever ( eg yellow fever, dengue fever)
2. Culex West Nile fever, bancroftian filariasis, viral artheritis
3. Ades Yellow fever, dengue fever, rift valley fever
Housefly (Musca domestica) Typhoid and paratyphoid, dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, trachoma, helminthic infestation
Sandfly (phlebotomus argentipes) Kala-azar, oriental sore, sandfly fever
Tsetse fly (glossinae) Sleeping sickness
Blackfly (Simulum) Onchocerciasis
Lice (Pediculus capitis / corporis) Epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, pediculosis
Rat flea (Xenopsylla, Nosopsylla) Plaque, endemic typhus
Bugs Chagas disease
Hard tick (Ixodidae) Tick typhus, viral hemorrhagic fever, tick paralysis
Soft tick (Orgasidae) Q fever, relapsing fever
Mite (chiggers) Scrub typhus
Itch mite Scabies
Cyclops (Mesocuclops) Guinea- worm
Cockroaches Enteric pathogens
PRINCIPLES OF ARTHROPOD CONTROL Environmental control Chemical control Biological control Genetic control