PPT Init 3/29/2011 by Daniel R. Barnes
Read and follow the directions, in order. Don’t skip any steps.
Hot Nail Lab: Inquiry Version MISSION: Determine the temperature of a Bunsen burner flame without sticking a thermometer in it. METHOD: Heat up a nail in the flame, drop it in water... you figure out the rest. Discuss your materials & procedure with your table group for 10 minutes! What materials did your groups determine they’d need tomorrow? Is there any non-physical equipment you’ll need to accomplish your mission? What are you NOT going to do with the thermometer tomorrow?
Purpose Materials Procedure Data Conclusions
What follows is what Barnes calls the “Where can we go from here?” method of problem-solving.
When we finished doing the procedure with the materials, what data did we have at that point? m water, m nail, T i-water, T f-water, T f-nail, C p-water, C p-nail What new information can we calculate based on that data? How? We can subtract T i-water from T f-water to get T water We use the equation T = T f – T i What new information can we calculate based on those new results? How? Q = m T C p, so we can calculate Q water... measuredbook/www
What follows is what Barnes calls the “How can I accomplish my mission?” method of problem-solving.
1. What am I trying to find out? What is my mission? 2. What tool(s) do I need to get that? 3. How do I use the tool? 4. Use the tool(s) 5. Eat the banana.
m H2OH2O T i -H 2 O TfTf TT H2OH2O Q H2OH2O TT nail T i-nail The day before you do the lab: