Student’s Name with USN No. Industrial Disaster Management System Using ARM 7 With Various Parameter Monitoring On GLCD Student’s Name with USN No. Guide Name HOD Name College Name, Dept
CONTENTS: Abstract. Objective. Block diagram. Methodology. Advantages and Disadvantages. Applications. Conclusion.
1.ABSTRACT: Industrial Disaster Management plays an important role in the field of modern industry control. India is developing as a key global player in industrial and technology sector. Rapid industrialization has increased the hazard, risk and vulnerability of the industry and the environment. It is simply the process of bringing a real-world signal, such as a voltage, into the computer, for processing, analysis, storage or other data manipulation. A Physical phenomena represents the real-world signal you are trying to measure. In order to optimize the characteristics of a system in terms of performance, handling capacity and cost, the relevant subsystem can be combined together. Analog data is generally acquired and transformed into the digital form for the purpose of processing, transmission and display. In this sophisticated world every activity is getting atomized with the help of embedded concepts.
2.OBJECTIVE: This main goal of this project is to maintain the Industries Disaster Management System, to reduce the work load of a human beings and to sense the parameters like Gas, Temperature, and Humidity. After sensing it has to take appropriate action via ARM controller.
4.METHODOLOGY: This project is developed to maintain the Industries Disaster Management System, to reduce the work load of human beings and to sense the parameters like Gas, Temperature, and Humidity. After sensing those parameter depending on the scenario the ARM controller will take appropriate action. The main modules in this project are Sensors (Temperature Sensor LM 35, Humidity Sensor and Gas Sensor), ARM controller unit with LCD display and output device.
This whole model can be placed in the Industries to manage the Disasters. This model has three Sensors as an input device to sense the disaster in Industries and depending on the parameter measured the controller will take appropriate action. This module continuously monitors the disaster condition of the Industries where it is placed. If the temperature varies, Gas detected, and Humidity of the Industries varies, then the ARM controller will activates the buzzer to convey the information.
5.ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: All the components required are easily available. It is accurate [Errors are nullified] & precise as it is Digital. It is much Economical compare to other analogue systems. Manual errors can be avoided to some extent. Automatically controlled & Easy to use. Unnecessary wastage of electricity can be controlled to a greater extend. DISADVANTAGES: In this project usage of relays leads to consume more power.
6. APPLICATIONS: This project can be implemented in Home, School, Colleges, and Companies etc… Where we have to reduce the work load of human and to sense the parameters like Gas, Temperature, and Humidity there we can implement this project.
7.CONCLUSION: The proposed Industrial Disaster Management System Using ARM 7 With Various Parameter Monitoring On GLCD has been implemented successfully and is tested on hardware. Experimental results verify the effective developed operation. This System is designed to provide the continuous monitoring of disaster management in Industries, to reduce the work load of a human beings and to sense the parameters like Gas, Temperature, and Humidity. After sensing it has to take appropriate action via ARM controller.