Forest Practices Code Transition Public Input and First Nations Consultation for Operational Planning Ian Miller, Legislation and Policy Forester, Ministry of Forests
Public Input & First Nations Consultation Public Input and First Nations Consultation - Overview The key planning document is still available for public review and comment: Forest development plan Other key planning documents are also available for public viewing: Site plans (which replace silviculture prescriptions) Road layout and design Professional accountability is increased First Nations consultation is covered by government-wide policies
Public Input & First Nations Consultation Planning Changes – Forest Development Plans (FDPs) Notice, review and comment generally the same Additional plan content requirements due to reduced content for site plans e.g. Reforestation & Stocking standards must be in FDP District Manager may reduce review and comment period for major amendments Minor amendments have been clarified and can still be made without approval No longer any joint approvals
Public Input & First Nations Consultation Planning Changes - Site Plans Replace silviculture prescriptions Reduced content requirements Must be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Forester Consistent with forest development plan, assessment results and recommendations Not approved by District Managers Must be available for public viewing: Upon request At the place of business closest to the location in question during normal business hours
Public Input & First Nations Consultation Planning Changes - Road Layout and Design (RLAD) RLAD still required before a road can be constructed or modified District Manager approval is only required in 3 circumstances Within riparian management areas, except crossings Within 100 metres upstream of a known licensed community water supply intake If crossing unstable or potentially unstable area using construction methods that would not result in the least risk of landslides for that area Road layout and design must be available to the public upon request
Public Input & First Nations Consultation Professional Accountability Amended Code increases reliance on resource professionals Signing and sealing either specified in Forest Practices Code; or in professional Act or bylaw Resource professionals will be held accountable for plans they prepare Legislation governing professionals is being amended
Public Input & First Nations Consultation First Nations Consultation First Nations consultation is the Crown’s legal obligation and will continue Government-wide policies will continue to provide direction to ministry staff: See First Nations Consultation Policy: S ee MOF Aboriginal Rights & Title Policy:
End of Presentation Public Input and First Nations Consultation for Operational Planning