Illegal Drugs Classification and Definitions of Illegal Drugs
Stimulants Cocaine Nicotine Crack Amphetamine Anabolic Steriods Crystal Meth MDMA
Steroids Other Names: –Rhoids, juice How it is Consumed: –Orally or injected into muscle Effects: –Liver cancer, Sterility, masculine triats in women and femine triats in men, agression, depression, acne, mood swings.
Ampethamines Other Street names: –Speed, black beauties, bumble bees, How it is Comsumed: –Orally, injected, snorted, or smoked. Effects: –Addiction, irritability, anxiety, paranoia, aggression, and sleeplessness.
Methamphetamines Other names: –Speed, meth, crank, crystal, ice, fire, white cross, How it is consumed: –Orally, injected, snorted, smoked Effects: –Stroke, hypothermia, convulsions, formication (the sensation of insects creeping on or under you skin)
Inhalants Gases Butane Lighters, Propane Tanks, Whipped Cream Dispensers. Volatile Solvents Gasoline, Dry-cleaning fluids, Degreasers, Glue. Aerosols Spray paints, Deodorants, Hair Sprays Nitrates
Inhalants Facts: –Hundreds of household items can be sniffed or huffed. Other names: –Laughing gas, whippets, aerosol sprays, cleaning fluids, solvents. Effects: –Headache, muscle weakness, abdominal pain, severe mood swings, nose bleeds, liver, lung, and kidney damage, decrease in heart and respiratory rates.
Depressants Alcohol Tranquillizers Heroin Ketamine GHB (Liquid Ecstasy) Roofies Barbiturates
Depressants Slow down or depress central nervous system. Sleeping pills Effects: –Range from calming down, to promoting sleep.
Hallucinogens LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) Mushrooms PCP
Other Names: –Angel Dust, ozone, rocket fuel, peace pill, dust, elephant tranquilizer. How it is consumed: –Snorted, smoked, orally, injected, Effects: –Out-of-body experiences, inability to feel pain, fear, panic, aggression, respiratory attack.
LSD Lysergic Acid Diethyl Amide Other names: –Acid, microdot, tabs, doses, trips, hits, sugar cubes. How it is Consumed: –Tabs taken orally or liquid put in the eyes. Effects: –Elevated body temperature and blood pressure, sleeplessness, tremors
Mushrooms Other Names: –Shrooms, caps, magic mushrooms How it is consumed: –Eaten or brewed and drank in tea Effects: –Increased blood pressure, sweating, nausea, hallucinations.
Statistics Use of illegal drugs by Grade: –In 2006 and estimated 40% of 12 th graders used some type of illegal drugs. –IN 2006 an estimated 30% of 10 th grade students used illegal drugs. –In 2006 and estimated 15% of 8 th graders used some type of illegal drug.