Technical Writing with Taste How to write Directions/Procedures for Middle School Science
Why is technical writing important? Scientific Method provides the process to design an experiment/investigation. Science experiments are only valid IF they can be repeated and achieve the same results. No, Scientists aren’t writers, BUT they have to be able to communicate what they do and what they find out.
Clues to help you write a Procedure. Make a list of all the steps – don’t go into a lot of detail, just enough that you remember what to write about. Make sure all of the steps are in the right order. If you’re giving directions to make something, make sure you give a list that tells all the stuff you’ll need.
Can you make a PB&J? Take 3 minutes and write a procedure to make a PB& J Sandwich. Do this by yourself in your Science Journal.
PB & J Lab Swap procedures with someone at your table. Read the procedure. Write any questions or comments about their procedure. ( Make sure you comments are in the form of “constructive” criticism ) Swap procedures one more time and repeat this process.
Questions to Ponder Did you start your explanation with a good sentence that explains what you’re trying to do? Did you write all the directions as briefly and clearly as possible. Use words like first, second, and next to help the reader understand? Did you keep it SIMPLE?
Rewrite Edit what you’ve written Reread your own procedure to make sure you can “mentally” follow your own directions. Lastly, Make any changes that you might have missed the first time. Read it to your Group!
What is wrong with these Picture Procedures?
Group Task… After hearing EACH procedure, as a group write ONE procedure of how to make a PB&J Sandwich Use items from all of the individual procedures to make a PERFECT procedure.
SWAP Procedures Using the “perfect” procedure you received from another group, follow the procedure EXACTLY and create a PB& J Sandwich from the ingredients listed in your procedure. DO NOT do anything that is not listed in the procedure. When you are done, have your group stand up to signify that you are ready to be evaluated.
Success or Failure? Answer the questions below into your journal. 1. Was the procedure easy to understand? Why? 2. Was your sandwich a success or failure? Why? 3. What would you change about the procedure you followed?