Japan Strikes in the Pacific 16-2
Isoroku Yamamoto Japanese Admiral Believes that they have to destroy U.S. fleet if Japan is to expand
U.S. U.S. break Purple – Decode message saying Japan would attack U.S. – Don’t know when or where
Pearl Harbor Dec Japan attacks U.S. in Hawaii 2400 U.S. killed wounded 18 ships sunk or damaged
Japan advances Take Guam, Wake Island, and also Philippines
Coral Sea New naval warfare – Planes from aircraft carriers attack ships
Midway Japan wants U.S. airbase at Midway U.S. reads coded message that Japanese are on way – outnumbered 4-1 U.S. Admiral Chester Nimitz defeats Japanese and turns tide of the war
Gen. Douglas MacArthur Island Hopping Guadalcanal – 6 month battle – Japanese die Philippines