Tectonic Patch Grafts: Corneal Surgeon’s Friend in Need Ayan Mohanta MS Arup Bhaumik MS Cataract, Cornea and Refractive services Disha Eye Hospitals Barrackpore, India Authors have no financial Interest
Purpose Tectonic Patch Grafts were performed in certain indicated sight threatening situations and study their outcome Simplify the intricacies involved in the positioning and fashioning of Patch Grafts
Indications of Tectonic Patch Grafts Indications n= Total: 12 Sterile perforations: 4 Perforations of infective origin Gonococcal keratitis:1 Phaco tunnel infection: 3 Post PK Host bed infection1 Traumatic perforations2 Scleral melt1
Phaco tunnel infection Corneal injury with tissue loss treated initially with glue Gonococcal keratitis with perforaton Post Herpetic corneal scar with perforaton Rheumatoid corneal melting Ruptured Cystoid cicatrix Indications Post PK host bed infection 270° Rheumatoid corneal melting
Material and methods 2 types of grafts: – Full thickness: preferred for infective etiologies – Lamellar: preferred for non infective situations Most patch grafts need to be fashioned freehand, here we have tried to use simple geometric principles to design the grafts with available trephines avoiding freehand excision as much as possible
Scenario 1: Corneo-scleral patch grafts 8.5 mm trephine 8.5 mm trephine to encompass the lesion on the cornea at a certain distance from the limbus 8.5 mm trephination of a corneoscleral rim to cut a similar size button at a same distance from the limbus from the endothelial side Final trimming of the sclera to complete the graft and suturing to the host bed Phaco tunnel infection Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Gonococcal infection Scenario 2: Predominantly peripheral corneal banana grafts Corneal injury Rheumatoid corneal melt Extent of lesions(schematic)
After measuring the corneal diameter the widest point of the lesion was measured in each case(red arrow) A corneal rim was fashioned with the the help of 2 trephines Trephine 1: selected by subtracting twice the diameter of the lesion from the corneal diameter Trephine 2: equal to the corneal diameter The corneal rim was then punched out from the sclerocorneal rim(Yellow) This yellow coloured rim was then cut and trimmed according to need. Trephine 1 Trephine 2 Corneal rim
Scenario 3: Predominantly Scleral/Corneal patches not related to limbus Scleral patch for ruptured cicatrix Round circular patch for Corneal rupture with tissue loss
Results Anatomical restoration: 11 eyes Evisceration 1 eye - 270° corneal melt(below ) Visual Restoration was good in small peripheral melts and scleral melts – The acuity was dependent on the underlying severity of the disease process.
Conclusion Tectonic graft is a useful therapeutic option in emergency sight threatening situations of corneal thinning and perforations as – it effectively restores the integrity of the eye – allows acceptable visual rehabilitation. Thank You