Visions January 10, 2016 Baptism of the Lord
Cover What is the same in each picture? What is different? What was the same at your Baptism? 1/7 4 th period What was different at your Baptism? What does Baptism do for us?
What the church Believes and Teaches p What are the Sacraments of Initiation? – Baptism – Confirmation – Eucharist Aim: What four (4) things happen to us by Baptism? I. Forgiveness of Original Sin II. New life, adoptive child of the Father III. Members of the Church IV. Temples Of the Holy Spirit
3. Who can be the minister of Baptism? A bishop, a priest and a deacon. If necessary anyone using water and these words, “ I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” 4. How often can you receive Baptism? Only received once 5. What is Baptism of desire? You can receive the benefits of the sacrament if you die for the faith or if you sincerely wanted to be but die before Done 4 th Period and 6th 1/8
Gospel: Luke 3:15-16, What Year Cycle are we in ? – Cycle C = Luke 4 Parts: Narrator 1, 2, John, Voice 1/7 6 th period Discuss TALK ? Theme: – Jesus is filled with the Holy Spirit
Jesus Baptism Reveals 1.The Trinity A.Voice = Father B.Jesus = son C.Dove= Holy Spirit 2.Acceptance of his mission 3.Start of his ministry – public life
“Confirmation Seals Us With the Holy Spirit” p. 5 Read together, underline as you read important info Initiation is the way a person is made a member of a group. Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are sacrament that initiate a person into the Church Early Church all three sacrament administered a the same time Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit Two gesture signify the gift of the Holy Spirit – Laying on of hands by the Bishop – Bishop anoints with the sign of the cross on the forehead with chrism, saying be sealed with the Holy Spirit
“Confirmation Seals us with the Holy Spirit” p. 5 Read together Baptism – water is a sign of death and new life _ anointing a sign of being sealed with the Spirit Confirmation – signs of the Holy Spirit being sealed by the Bishop – Laying of hands – Anointing with oil