Week 5
Do Now: Monday/ Tuesday, September 28 th/ 29th, minutes to Review Vocabulary Words 10 minutes Vocabulary Quiz * INSERT WORDS
Objectives: SWBAT… Distill and articulate the main points and plot of “Shooting an Elephant” Discuss Orwell’s use of persuasive tools such as symbolism, metaphor and irony in this essay and explain how he uses each to convey his argument or message
“Shooting an Elephant” Written and narrated by George Orwell Written in 1936 Setting: Burma After leaving school, Orwell lived in Burma and worked as an officer
Close Read 1. Number the paragraphs 2. Chunk the text 3. Underline and circle…with a purpose 4. Left Margin: What is the author saying? 5. Right Margin: What is the author doing? (Action verbs, imagery, figurative language, word choice)
While you read 1 st Reading: Plot & Understanding 2 nd Reading: Persuasive techniques (symbolism, metaphor and irony)
Homework Complete 2 nd Reading of “Shooting an Elephant”
Wednesday, September 30 th 2015 Pronoun Handout
Objectives : SWBAT… Define and practice using indefinite pronouns & collective nouns Write a short essay analyzing
Indefinite Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not refer to a particular person, place, or thing. Most indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural.
Indefinite Pronouns SingularPlural another everybody no one anybody everyone nothing anyone everything one anything much somebody each neither someone either nobody something both few many others several All, any, most, none some All, any, most, none and some can be singular or plural, depending on the phrase that follows them.
Indefinite Pronouns When an indefinite pronoun is used as the subject, the verb must agree with it in number. Everyone discusses the plot. (singular) Both talk about King Minos. (plural) All of mythology is about beliefs and ideals. (singular) All of the myths are about beliefs and ideals. (plural) What is the difference between the last two statements? Why is one singular and the other plural?
Indefinite Pronouns Possessive pronouns often have indefinite pronouns as their antecedents. In such cases, the pronouns must agree in number. Note that in the first example the intervening prepositional phrase does not affect the agreement. Each of the characters has his or her chapter. Several have conflict with their siblings.
Collective nouns, a special class, name groups [things] composed of members [usually people].
“Shooting an Elephant” Continued…