Miss Vaczi
that your child will be treated with respect that your child will be held to high standards and will be challenged daily for your child to have math homework every night and that the homework will be posted on my webpage for viewing to receive test dates ahead of time, giving students adequate time to study that I will support your child, in every way that I can, to help your child succeed
that your child follows my classroom rules that each student comes to class prepared every day! This includes bringing: any assignments that may be due, math notebook, math textbook, folder, pencils, and any other supplies that were requested the previous class session completes their homework fully & neatly that each child actively participates in class that every student tries their best to reach the high standards that are set for them here
If a student does not hand in an assignment on the day it is due, he/she will be given one extra night to complete it for PARTIAL credit A missed assignment sheet will be sent home that afternoon with information regarding what assignment was missed, which is required to be signed and returned the next day! If a pattern of missed homework is noticed, a student will be required to start completing missed assignments during recess time as well
A student’s grade is comprised of the following: 1) Summative Assessments: 45% 2) Quizzes: 25% 3) Classwork/Participation: 20% 4) Homework: 10% Keep up with your child’s scores through Cornerstone
I-Pad Math Notebook Graph Paper (can be kept at home until needed) A math folder Pencils Textbooks
Students are expected to have their IPADS charged and with them for every class Used for educational purposes only Students are responsible for assignments when absent In Math, students will have workbooks as well as their e-books Math will be a combination of pencil & paper and IPAD learning
Rational Numbers Inequalities Equations Proportions Percents Angle relationships Samples Probability
Please feel free to reach me with any questions or concerns You can reach me through a handwritten note, an , or a phone call Vaczi/apt1.aspx Vaczi/apt1.aspx School phone number: