Ryan Henry I 538 /B 609 : Introduction to Cryptography
Ryan Henry Last Thursday’s lecture: El Gamal encryption Goldwasser-Micali bit encryption Paillier encrypton Today’s lecture: Signature schemes 1
Ryan Henry Assignment 6 is due Thursday, Dec 3 (Assignment 7 will be due on the same day!) 2 Thursday, December 10
Ryan Henry 3 Please complete the Online Course Questionnaire Reminder:
Ryan Henry Going forward Tuesday (11/17): Digitial signature schemes Thursday (11/19): Random oracle model **Thanksgiving break (11/22—11/29) ** Tuesday (12/01): Zero-knowledge Thursday (12/03): ?? Tuesday (12/08): ?? Thursday (12/10): ?? 4 – Specific cryptosystems – Secret sharing schemes – Pairing-based cryptography – Zero-knowledge proofs – Private information retrieval – Secure multiparty computation – Side-channel attacks – Other Security notions – Anonymous credentials possible topics
Ryan Henry Recall: Secrecy versus Authenticity ▪S▪Secrecy / confidentiality –I–IND-CPA: indistiguishable multiple encryptions in the presence of an eavesdropper –P–Provides ”security” in the presence of passive attackers ▪A▪Authenticity / integrity –E–Existential unforgeability under adaptive chosen message attacks –P–Provides “security” in the presence of active attackers 5 “ s e c u r i t y ” = = s e c r e c y “ s e c u r i t y ” = = i n t e g r i t y
Ryan Henry Recall: MAC schemes 6 Usually write MAC k (m) and Ver k (m,t) instead of MAC(k,m) and Ver(k,m,t) K is the key space M is the message space T is the tag space (the set of possible keys) (the set of possible messages) (the set of possible “tags”) Def n : A message authentication code (MAC) is a triple of efficient algorithms (Gen,MAC,Ver) such that – Gen:1 ℕ →K is a randomized “key generation” algorithm – MAC:K×M→T is a “tagging” algorithm – Ver:K×M×T→{0,1} is a “tag verification” algorithm
Ryan Henry Recall: MAC existential forgery game 7 1s1s 1s1s (m,t)∈M×T k←Gen(1 s ) m 1 ∈M t 1 ←MAC k (m 1 ) m 2 ∈M t 2 ←MAC k (m 2 ) m n ∈M t n ←MAC k (m n ) m1m1 m2m2 mnmn t1t1 t2t2 tntn Let E be the event that (m,t)∉{(m 1 ,t 1 ),…,(m n ,t n )} yet Ver k (m,t)=1 Define A’s advantage to be Adv MAC-forge (A)≔Pr[E] ⋮
Ryan Henry Recall: Existential unforgeability 8 The message m and tage t are chosen arbitrarily by the attacker at the end of the attack Existential unforgeability is the “default” unforgeability property Def n : A MAC scheme (Gen,MAC,Ver) is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks if, for every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function ε:ℕ→ℝ + such that Adv MAC-forge (A)≤ε(s).
Ryan Henry Digital signature schemes ▪ Intuitively, a digital signature scheme is the public-key equivalent of a MAC scheme. 9 Def n : A digital signature scheme is a triple of efficient algorithms (Gen,Sign,Ver) such that – Gen:1 ℕ →K s ×K v is a randomized “key generation” algorithm – Sign:K s ×M→S is a randomized “signing” algorithm – Ver:K v ×S→{0,1} is a deterministic “signature verification” algorithm
Ryan Henry Correctness ▪ Intuitively: Correctness is the property of being able to verify a signature (given the appropriate public key) 10 Def n : A signature scheme (Gen,Sign,Ver) with message space M is correct if there exists a negligible function ε:ℕ→ℝ+ such that, ∀s∈ℕ and ∀m∈M, Pr[Ver k v (m,Sign k s (m))=1|(k s,k v )←Gen(1 s )]≥1−ε(s) If Ver(k v ,m,σ)≟1, then we call σ a valid signature on m (under the verification key k v ).
Ryan Henry Signature existential forgery game 11 1s1s 1s1s (m,σ)∈M×S (k s ,k v )←Gen(1 s ) m 1 ∈M σ 1 ←Sign k s (m 1 ) m 2 ∈M σ 2 ←Sign k s (m 2 ) m n ∈M σ n ←Sign k s (m n ) m1m1 m2m2 mnmn σ1σ1 σ2σ2 σnσn Let E be the event that (m,σ)∉{(m 1 ,σ 1 ),…,(m n ,σ n )} yet Ver k v (m,σ)=1 Define A’s advantage to be Adv Sig-forge (A)≔Pr[E] ⋮ kvkv
Ryan Henry Existential unforgeability 12 Def n : A digital signature scheme (Gen,Sign,Ver) is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks if, for every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function ε:ℕ→ℝ + such that Adv Sig-forge (A)≤ε(s). ▪ Intuitively: Existential unforgeability is the property of being resistant to forgeries, even those arising from malicious tampering with existing signatures
Ryan Henry “Textbook” RSA signatures 13 ▪M▪Many textbooks (and courses) describe RSA signatures as a direct application of the RSA trapdoor permutation to a message; that is, –G–Gen(1 s ) chooses distinct s-bit primes p and q and e∈℥ φ(pq), and then it outputs k v ≔(pq,e) and k s ≔e -1 mod φ(pq); –S–Sign(k s ,m) outputs σ≔m d mod pq; and –V–Ver(k v ,m,σ) outputs 1 if m≟σ e mod pq and 0 otherwise. Q: Is this an existentially unforgeable signature scheme? A: NO! NO! NO! Don’t ever do this! (Seriously, don’t do it!) (If you do this and I find out, I will retroactive fail you in this course!)
Ryan Henry “Textbook” RSA signatures ▪ As with textbook RSA encryption, textbook RSA signatures have some serious problems! – Unclear how to sign “long” messages – Extremely inefficient – “No message” forgery attacks – Forgeries from malleability – Forgeries on arbitrary messages – Key reuse attacks 14
Ryan Henry “No message” forgeries 15 Obs 1: Let p v ≔(pq,e) be a verification key for the textbook RSA signature scheme. Given any σ∈℥ N, the attacker can output a valid forgery (m,σ) where m≔ σ e mod pq. ??? Q: Can attacker choose σ corresponding to a particular message of its choosing? A: No! (Unless the RSA assumption fails to hold.) Message is an eth root of σ modulo pq!
Ryan Henry Forgeries from malleability ▪ Attacker can choose a and b arbitrarily – a=b=1 yields signature on m 1 m 2 – b=0 yields signature on m 1 a 16 Obs 2: Let p v ≔(pq,e) be a verification key for the textbook RSA signature scheme. Given any two message-signatures pairs (m 1 ,σ 1 ), (m 2 ,σ 2 ) such that Ver(p v ,m 1 ,σ 1 )=Ver(p v ,m 2 ,σ 2 )=1, the attacker can output a valid forgery (m’,σ’) where m’≔m 1 a m 2 b mod pq and σ’≔ σ 1 a σ 2 b mod pq.
Ryan Henry Forgeries on arbitrary messages 17 Obs 3: Let p v ≔(pq,e) be a verification key for the textbook RSA signature scheme. Attacker can forge signature on arbitrary message m of its choosing by 1. choosing any r∈℥ pq such that r≠1, 2. requesting a signature σ’ on m’≔ 3. outputting σ≔ This “attack” is useful for constructing blind RSA signatures. m·r e, and ??? σ’·r -1 mod pq. ???
Ryan Henry One-time signature schemes ▪I▪Intuitively, a one-time signature (OTS) scheme is a digital signature scheme that is existentially unforgeable provided the private key is only used to sign a single message Q: Why is this notion useful? A1: We can construct OTS schemes under weaker assumptions –N–No random oracles, no computational assumptions A2: OTS’s are a useful building block for “many-time” signatures 18
Ryan Henry One-time forgery game 19 1s1s 1s1s (m’,σ’)∈M×S (k s ,k v )←Gen(1 s ) m∈M σ←Sign k s (m) m σ Let E be the event that (m’,σ’)≠(m,σ) yet Ver k v (m’,σ’)=1 Define A’s advantage to be Adv OTS-forge (A)≔Pr[E] kvkv
Ryan Henry One-time existential unforgeability 20 Def n : A digital signature scheme (Gen,Sign,Ver) is existentially unforgeable under single-message attacks (or is one-time secure) if, for every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function ε:ℕ→ℝ + such that Adv OTS-forge (A)≤ε(s).
Ryan Henry Lamport’s OTS scheme (for ℓ(s)-bit messages) 21
Ryan Henry Security of Lamport’s OTS scheme 22 Thm: Let ℓ:ℕ→ℕ be any positive integer-valued polynomial and let F be an OWF. Then Lamport’s OTS scheme for messages of length ℓ(s) is existentially unforgeable under single-message attacks. Proof (Sketch): Suppose A requests a signature on an ℓ(s)-bit message m and consider any message m’∈{0,1} s ∖{m}. Since m’≠m, there exists a bit position i for which m i ≠m′ i ; thus, forging a signature on m’ requires A to find x′ i ∈F -1 (y i,m′ i ). Since F is an OWF, A succeeds in doing so with negligible advantage. ☐
Ryan Henry That’s all for today, folks! 23