F.E.S. MAJOR PROGRAMS FIRE PROTECTION DIV. F/Y02 INFO. Sructural Fire Branch 59 Personnel Assigned. 10 Equipment Assigned, Operated and Maintained. 306 ea. Emergency Responses For The Period. 15 Fires. $ 0,00 Fire Loss. Total Cost: $3,454,785.Operating Cost: Labor: $3,270,161. Material: $184,624. Total Cost: $3,454,785. Crash/Fire Rescue Branch 37 Personnel Assigned. 14 Equipment Assigned, Operated and Maintained. 99 ea. Emergency Responses For The Period. 218 ea. Haz. Op. Standbys. Total Cost: $2,257,097.Operating Cost: Labor: $1,984,457. Material: $272,641. Total Cost: $2,257,097. Fire Prevention Branch 6 Personnel Assigned. 2,013 Fire Hazards Reported. 1,484 Fire Hazards Corrected. Total Cost: $424,394Operating Cost: Labor:$391,301. Material: $33,092. Total Cost: $424, Total Personnel Assigned To The Fire Protection/Prevention Division Of The F.E.S.Department. Average Age: 42 Years Total Operating Cost Of Fire Protection/Prevention Division: Labor: $5,645,919. GRAND TOTAL: $6,136,276 Material: $ 490,257. GRAND TOTAL: $6,136,276 Initiatives: Mobile Aircraft Fire Trainer Bought $500K. More. Service level 1 No special Issues More. Outlying Sites H-2, H-3, H-4 Radar Sites: Built in Fire Protection Systems + 5 Auxiliary Firefighters. NAVCOMSTA Grindavík: Mutual Aid. NATO Fuel Facility Whale Bay: 1 ea. Foam Truck + Auxiliary Fire Team. ( Decommissioned) U.S. Embassy Reykjavík: Fire Prevention.
F.E.S. MAJOR PROGRAMS AIRFIELD OPERATIONS DIVISION. F/Y02 INFO. Snow Removal, Ice And Fod Control Branch. 17 Personnel Assigned +12 Winter Over Hires. 51 Equipment Assigned, Operated And Maintained. 9,139 Snow Removal/Ice And FOD Control Operations. Total Cost: $2,042,734.Operating Cost: Labor: $ 1,457,634. Material: $585,10. Total Cost: $2,042,734. Air Cargo Branch. 19 Personnel Assigned. 18 Equipment Assigned, Operated And Maintained. 7,909,927 lbs. Of Cargo Airlifted. Total Cost: $868,402.Operating Cost: Labor: $811,423. Material: $56,979. Total Cost: $868,402. (Reimbursed by AMC ) Transient Line. 6 Personnel Assigned. 12 Equipment Assigned, Operated And Maintained. 4,483 Services Performed. Total Cost: $319,362.Operating Cost: Labor: $312,992. Material: $6,370 Total Cost: $319,362. Arresting Gears. 5 Personnel Assigned. 7 Equipment Assigned, Operated And Maintained. 4 Aircraft Arrestments Performed, 646 Arresting Gears Rigs/Derigs. Total Operating Cost Of Airfield Operations Division: Labor: $2,804,514. Material: $671,008. GRAND TOTAL: $9,611,798. Service Level 1. Initiative: Runway Sweeper $350K Straight Lease.GRAND TOTAL: $9,611,798. Service Level 1. Initiative: Runway Sweeper $350K Straight Lease. ISSUE 1. Replacements Needed For Snow Removal Equipment Total $1,050K Next 3 Fis.Yrs.More Info Here ISSUE 2. Replacements Identified For FOD Equipment Total $200K.More Info. HereISSUE 1. Replacements Needed For Snow Removal Equipment Total $1,050K Next 3 Fis.Yrs.More Info Here ISSUE 2. Replacements Identified For FOD Equipment Total $200K.More Info. HereHere ISSUE 3. Bldg.#832 Improve More Info. HereISSUE 3. Bldg.#832 Improve More Info. HereHere Total Operating Cost Of The Fire And Emergency Services: Labor: $8,450,433. Material: $1,161,365. Grand Total: $9,611,798Total Operating Cost Of The Fire And Emergency Services: Labor: $8,450,433. Material: $1,161,365. Grand Total: $9,611,798 Total Operational Funding Required For F/Y03 $958K. Total Operational Funding Available For F/Y03 $523K. Total Deficient Funding For F/Y03 $435KTotal Operational Funding Required For F/Y03 $958K. Total Operational Funding Available For F/Y03 $523K. Total Deficient Funding For F/Y03 $435K