1. ELEMENTS OF ART A.Value B.Color C.Space and Form in Artworks D.Principles of Design: How the Elements of Art Work Together 2. AMERICAN INDIAN ART 3. ART OF ANCIENT AND BYZANTINE CIVILIZATION NOT SUPPORTED WITH IMAGERY
VALUE James Chapin Rembrandt van Rijn Jan Vermeer
James Chapin Ruby Green Singing
Rembrandt van Rijn Man With a Helmet
Jan Vermeer The Milkmaid
SPACE & FORM Jean Millet Pieter Brueghel
Jean Millet The Gleaners
Pieter Brueghel Peasant Wedding
ELEMENTS OF ART WORKING TOGETHER Rosa Bonheur Mary Cassatt Early American Edward Hicks Henri Matisse Edvard Munch Horace Pippin Faith Ringgold
Rosa Bonheur The Horse Fair
Mary Cassatt The Bath
Early American Quilt Amish Diamond in a Square
Early American Quilt World War I Crazy Quilt
Early American Quilt Underground Railroad
Edward Hicks The Peaceable Kingdom
Henri Matisse Icarus
Edvard Munch The Scream
Horace Pippin Victorian Interior
Faith Ringgold Tar Beach
AMERICAN INDIAN ART Hopi, Zuni Navajo (Dine) American Indian
American Indian Hopi Kachina Doll
American Navajo Indian Rug Makers
American Navajo Indian Chief Blanket
American Indian Arts Sand Painting
American Indian Art Sand Painting Designs
American Indian Harvesting Mask
American Indian Cherokee Buckeye Wood Mask of a Warrior
American Indian Iroquios False Face Mask
American Indian Multiple Mask With Moveable Beaks
American Indian Totum Poles
American Indian Totum Pole
Ancient and Byzantine Pont Du Gard
Ancient and Byzantine The Pantheon
Ancient and Byzantine The Pantheon (Front View)
Ancient and Byzantine Mosaic Transfiguration
Ancient and Byzantine Mosaic The Good Shepherd
Ancient and Byzantine Mosaic Boy With a Donkey
Ancient and Byzantine Mosaic An Apostle
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Church of the Holy Wisdom)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Back View)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (View of the Roof)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia 2 and 3 Dimensional Decoration
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Interior Pattern)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Figure and Ground)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Symmetry)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Contrast)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia (Ceiling Compostition)
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia
Ancient and Byzantine Hagia Sophia - Church of the Holy Wisdom (Interior)