Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Learn4Work Schokland Programme on TVET Aart van den Broek Nairobi, 29 January 2009
2 Content of the presentation Background TVET proposal Today: Identification and validation Way forward, guidelines
3 Learn4Work proposal - Background new fund to stimulate new actors to contribute to development: New budget lines Cross-pollination Synergy Innovation focus on ownership & local needs use existing contacts and networks → sustainability linking to existing policies, strategies and interventions → harmonisation cooperative partnerships: networking for linking and learning joined forces to lobby open initiative
4 Learn4Work - Point of departure Improve access to good-quality TVET in developing countries : TVET often marginalised sub sector little attention and budget for TVET few facilities low status main problem: weak link between education and labour market Potential of TVET for development (poverty alleviation) not optimally used
5 Learn4Work - proposal (1) Objectives Long term objecive: To contribute to substantial income for youth / young people, and particularly those who are marginalised Operational objective: Improve access to and quality of VE Both formal as non-formal education Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia target group: (marginalised) young people between 15 and 23 years
6 Learn4Work proposal (2) Results Results: Access Quality Networking Capacity building and institutional strengthening (South) Awareness & fund raising (North)
7 Learn4Work proposal (3) Actors More than 20 Dutch partners involved / interested: education institutes development organisations education member organisations company & TVET knowledge institute
8 Partnership Learn4Work (6) Partnership establish partnerships of N & S organisations (at least 2*2) and elaborate project proposal Kenyan organisation Kenyan organisation Dutch NGO Dutch non- NGO
9 Learn4Work Partnership 2 Kenyan organisations 2 Dutch organisations 1 NGO 1 other kind of organisation (education institute, business)
10 Learn4Work Level of participation Actors actively involved NGO’s, TVET institutes Labour market institutes Actors not actively involved, but support with their knowledge, networks and experiences Ministry of Education, Min. of Labour, Advisory councils, Knowledge centres, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lead, Edukans
11 Learn4Work Proposal (7) Fund Aim fund: to stimulate 66% own contribution 34% funding Total project budget: 5 M Euro Total fund: 2 M Euro (-/- coordination, mapping and L&L) Micro level projects
12 Learn4Work – Coordination Partnership Ethiopia Advisory Committee Edukans - Lead Evaluation Committee Partnership Kenya Partnership Ghana Partnership Zambia Partnership Kenya Partnership Ghana
13 Dutch participants, so far NGOs –Edukans /Ex-change –ICS –Help a Child –Word & Deed Knowledge centre/umbrella organisation –Aequor –COLO –MBO Council VTC: –Alfa College –Groenhorst College / Aeres group –ROC Landstede –ROC Eindhoven –ROC West-Brabant
14 Today Until today: a Dutch initiative Objective mapping / validation workshop: to explore / identify opportunities for future interventions Invite parties, who are interested in and committed to improving access to and quality of TVET, to be involved to explore / identify opportunities for future cooperation
15 Future Identify opportunities to intervene Identify partners February 4: similar workshop Netherlands Call for proposals end Jan – Mid April (format available end January) EC evaluates proposal Project implementation: mid 2009 – end 2011