Literacy, Participation, and Power: Literature Circles and the Freedom to Think RAU Literacy Conference 2014 Monica Shank
“The primary purpose of education is the liberation of man.” - Mwalimu Julius Nyerere
Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed Problem-posing vs. Banking method Problem-posing vs. Banking method Dialogic education Dialogic education Generative themes Generative themes Conscientization Conscientization
“I engage in dialogue because I recognize the social and not merely the individualistic character of the process of knowing.” -Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Literature Circles: 10 Characteristics 1. Participants choose their own reading material. 2. Small groups are formed around book choice. 3. Groups are impermanent, with new groups forming around new book selections. 4. Participants generate their own discussion topics. 5. Conversations are free and natural. Digressions, open-ended questions, and personal connections are welcome.
6. All skill sets are valued and welcome. Groups are characterized by a range of abilities. 7. Participants use written and/or drawn notes about the text to spark discussion. 8. Mini lessons precede discussions. Participant sharing follows. 9. Teacher acts as a facilitator only. 10. There is a sense of fun and freedom about the classroom.
“For reading to become a lifelong habit and a deeply owned skill, it has to be voluntary, anchored in feelings of pleasure and power” - Harvey Daniels, Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in Book Clubs and Reading Groups
Processes in Developing LC’s Introduction of ROLES to develop reading strategies Introduction of ROLES to develop reading strategies Whole-class book and modelling/think alouds Whole-class book and modelling/think alouds Mini-lessons: for both process and content Mini-lessons: for both process and content Response Activities Response Activities Release of responsibility and increased book choice Release of responsibility and increased book choice
Introducing LC’s through ROLES Questioner Questioner Summarizer Summarizer Word Finder Word Finder Connector Connector Character Describer Character Describer Prompter Prompter Illustrator Illustrator
Challenges with LC’s Accessing quality literature in multiple copies Accessing quality literature in multiple copies “But this isn’t in the curriculum…!” “But this isn’t in the curriculum…!” Overdependence on role and/or written notes Overdependence on role and/or written notes
Asanteni sana! Any questions?