BRAINSTORMING ACTIVITY Observe, study, and reflect upon the art work you have chosen. Answer each of the questions on the “Brainstorming” document sent to you. When finished, review what you have written about the work of art and arrive at a statement you would like to express about the work of art. This will become your thesis. Make sure you can support that statement with the observations & reflections you have made. This activity is due at the end of class on Tuesday, Feb. 2 nd or at the beginning of class on Feb. 3 rd. Thesis definitely due at the beginning of class tomorrow! :D
LAST YEAR’S WINNER Good Morning! For some inspiration, let’s watch a brief video about the winner of last year’s College Board and Atlantic Writing Contest Good Morning! For some inspiration, let’s watch a brief video about the winner of last year’s College Board and Atlantic Writing Contest HsOU HsOU
GOOD MORNING! Let’s get ready to watch another video about how to look at an art work. Get ready to SEE, THINK & WONDER bPv1cvxdyTo bPv1cvxdyTo
OVERVIEW OF DUE DATES: Brainstorming Activity due Tuesday Feb 2 nd end of class. First Draft (800 words min) Due Friday, Feb. 5 th, beginning of class. Peer Response Activity. Second Draft (1000 words min) Due Tuesday Feb. 9 th – Peer Response Activity. Final Draft Due ( words) Friday, Feb. 12 th (day before Mid-Winter Break) All drafts are electronic – no printing necessary. Rough drafts will be worth 10 points plus 10 points for the peer response activity. Final Draft Requirement words. MLA format. 33 Summative points. Rubric link here: prize-teachers-scoring-rubric.pdfhttps:// prize-teachers-scoring-rubric.pdf
SUGGESTED STRUCTURE OF ESSAY Introduction: hook, background info, thesis. Background information should include title of artwork, artist’s name, year of it’s creation, place it is currently housed. Give a little historical context for the art work. Thesis statement will answer the question: What is significant about your chosen work of art? And/OR Why should others look at it?
SUGGESTED ESSAY STRUCTURE Body paragraphs: Support your thesis. Come up with 2 – 3 main reasons your work of art is significant. At least SOME research would be a good thing. 1 – 3 sources would be sufficient. Your paper should answer one or more of the questions: How is this work of art historically significant? How is it personally significant? Why does it capture your attention? Why is this an artwork that a person would want to “spend time with”?
SUGGESTED STRUCTURE Conclusion: Restate your thesis. Recap the main ideas. Leave your reader with a meaningful conclusion statement that will stay with the reader, and possibly inspire the reader to spend time with your chosen work of art. DO NOT begin NOR end the paper with a question.
HOW TO WRITE A VISUAL ANALYSIS Here is an idea, NOT a requirement…
FINAL DRAFT Must be words Must be in MLA format Must be in a PDF format (when saving in Word you have the option to make it a PDF) Must include a picture of your artwork on the PDF. Must include a Works Cited page if you used other sources. Works Cited page is NOT included in the words. Save final draft in my S Drive IN box designated folder. Failure to do any of the above will result in half credit or less on paper.
TIME TO WORK! First draft due tomorrow Requirements: 800 – 1500 words Answer the prompt: Why is the work of art significant? Why should people observe your chosen work of art? Support your answer with specific evidence. Include a picture of your artwork on the same document.