1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Review
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Point:Represents a ______ – has __ size Named by a _______ letter: Examples:
Line: Made up of ______ – has no ________ or ________; It has_______ arrows. Named by _______ letter or any ________ on the line (order doesn’t matter) Possible Names: ____ ____ M N q
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Collinear: ______ on the _______ line A B C Non-collinear? Points ___ on the ____ line D _______ are collinear ________ are non-collinear
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Plane:A ___________ made up of points Has extended indefinitely ________ Named by 3 __________ points or a _______ _______ letter 4 Possible names: _______________ C.C. A. B.B. W
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Coplanar: Figures that ____________ plane A B C W D E F Non-Coplanar: Figures that ____ lie in the same plane w
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Segment: A part of a line; It has _______ endpoints and ________ arrows. Named by its _________ with a ____ overthe top 2 Possible names: _____ ______ A B
Ray: It is ______ and it has one _______ extends __________ in _____ direction Named by its ________ and ______ point on the ray. Uses a _______ over the top A B Possible name: ______
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Name a ray Name a line Name a segment Name the plane V X Z Q C l
1.1 Points, Lines and Planes Space: A ______, ____________ set of all points. Space can contain ____ and _____ (Use dotted lines to help draw 3-dimensional, space objects)
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes A B C D What can you NOT name this plane??? How many planes are in this diagram?
1.2 Points, Lines and Planes Undefined Terms: ______, ____ and _____: because they are only _________ using _________ and _____________.