FA#1 - Science Class Observation & Analysis - Overview— In this field assignment you will be observing a science class conducted by your field teacher. You will be identifying the science content (i.e., breakdown of science concepts), thinking skills, habits of mind, various instructional strategies, student responsiveness and engagement, use of inquiry, nature of science, etc., included in the lesson. Identifying “how children learn” strategies
You want to look for what you have been learning: teacher’s planning for the four levels of educational outcomes; usage of instructional strategies such as cooperative learning groups, “hands- on, minds-on teaching & learning”, questioning, science investigation, science experimentation, outdoor teaching & learning, etc.; employment of science-based approaches such as the 5 E Learning Cycle, C-E-R-R Framework, and inquiry-centered classroom; his/her interaction with the students; his/her responsiveness to the students; if the teacher appears to work with students equitably, (e.g., does the teacher call on or interact more with boys, with children from a higher SES, etc.).
FA#1 - Science Class Observation & Analysis - FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE SCORING GUIDE Part A. School Info SECTION 1 Part B. Observational Notes. This should include specific quotes from teacher and students. Try scripting part of lesson. Should be one or two pages. Part C. Overview of Lesson. 1. Summarize lesson. List a.- f. and write complete sentences with specific examples 2. Strategies Observed List a-h and write complete sentences with specific examples or state if wasn’t done. Part D. Your Perception of the Lesson. Complete Likert scale and write 2-3 sentences with specific evidence in your Comments.
FA#1 - Science Class Observation & Analysis - FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE SCORING GUIDE SECTION 2 Part E. Teacher Interview. Interview your teacher to find out more about his/her philosophy on teaching elementary science. 1.Interviews are written with the question followed by the verbatim response of the teacher. Each question/response should be 3-4 sentences minimum in paragraph form. 1. What techniques did you use to engage your students? 2.What do you believe are your strengths as a science educator? 3.How did you incorporate teaching the nature of science in your lessons? 4.Describe techniques you used to encourage the development of higher order reasoning skills. Habits of Mind? 5.Your question for the teacher from the lesson that you observed. 6.Your question for the teacher from the lesson that you observed. 7.Your question for the teacher from the lesson that you observed.
FA#1 - Science Class Observation & Analysis Part E. Your Analysis 1. What would you so the same? Why? 2. What would you do differently? Why? Focus on what you have learned about good science teaching: inquiry-based; hands on-minds-on investigations; student engagement; student interest; teacher as a facilitator; learner-centered classroom; students problem-solving, justifying their data, making conclusions, etc.