Then: You used basic geometric concepts and properties to solve problems. Now: 1. Identify and model points, lines, and planes. 2. Identify intersecting lines and planes. Map of South Dakota
3. Plane- Exactly one plane through any three points not on same line. Named by a capital script letter or three points not on the same line. Example: plane K, plane BCD, plane CDB, plane DCB
a. Use the figure to name a line containing point K. b. Use the figure to name a plane containing point L.
4. Collinear: points that lie on the same line. *Noncollinear: points that do not lie on the same line. 5. Coplanar: points that lie on the same plane. *Noncoplanar: points that do not lie on the same plane. /THE_BASIC_BUILDING_BLOCK S_OF_GEOMETRY_19.GIF
Name the geometric shape modeled by a. 10’ x 12’ patio. b. button on a table s437x328.JPG
A. When two or more geometric figures intersect, the figure contains point(s) that are in common. B. Lines can intersect each other or intersect planes. *Two lines intersect at one point. C. Planes can intersect each other. *Two plane intersect at one line.
Use the figure to complete Name the three line segments that intersect at point A. 5. Name the line of intersection of planes GAB and FEH. 6. Do planes GFE and HBC intersect? Explain.
Use the figure to complete How many planes are shown? 8. How many planes contain points E and F? 9. Name four points that are coplanar. 10. Are points A, B, and C coplanar? Explain
Pages 8-12 #14-48 evens, 52,53, 58 Use a ruler for #32 & 34 Graph #36 & 38