Geography The Absolute location of Iraq is 33 degrees north, and 44 degrees east The Relative location of Iraq is south of Turkey and north of Saudi Arabia. Movement- trains, planes, cars, and subways Human- People react badly to the war going on. This is an Iraq ocean shore.
History Iraq was placed under British government. People didn’t like this because they wanted independence Saddam Hussein became the Prime Minister. People didn’t believe he was fit to have a place in Iraqi government Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death for criminal bombing charges. People liked this because he was a bad man that did many bad things.
History Turkey started an air raid over Iraq. People were scared and angry because it was destroying their peaceful country. This is a picture of Saddam Hussein.
Politics The current type of government in Iraq is a Parliamentary democracy. That is when the legislature decides the prime minister, etc. The current leader of Iraq is Nouri Al-Mailki. He claims that he can make Iraq “fully developed” by Christmas, The the prime minister of Iraq, Nouri Al-Mailki.
Economy My country is a developed. Some reasons Iraq is developed is because it had 115 billions barrels of oil, over 70% of land is urban, over 50% of the population have cars, the life expectancy is over 70 years old, and 1 for $4,000. The GDP for the Us is $48,000.
Culture The main religion in Iraq is Islam. The languages spoken in Iraq is mainly Arabic. Some holidays celebrated are Ramadan, that’s where they fast for days. Types of clothing include; kewapatols, renk u choxe, klash, sorane, and pishten. These are traditional Iraq clothing.
Facts and Figures Growth rate % Population- 28,221,180 Life expectancy- Male: Female: Literacy rate- Male: 84.1% Female: 69.2% This is a chart.
Interesting Facts 1. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel. 2. The garden of Eden was in Iraq 3. The first world empire (Sumerians.) 4. Noah built the ark in Iraq. 5. Babylon destroyed Jerusalem. This is Noah's ark.
Bibliography Froeschl, Heather "Iraq in My Eye - Memoirs of a Navy SEAL - Book Review." Iraq in My Eye - Memoirs of a Navy SEAL - Book Review. 5 Oct factbook/geos/iz.html factbook/geos/iz.html wmn=Asia&cid=191&cn=Iraq