Ted Cruz Won In Iowa Even Though He Opposed Ethanol Subsidies IOWA ETHANOL SUBSIDIESPRESENTATION CENTER February 3, 2016 | Ben Booker Source: Ben Potter, “Every Presidential Candidate’s Position on Ethanol,” Agweb, January 29, 2016; EPA, “Renewable Fuel Standard Program,” February 3, 2016; Ted Cruz, “Cruz: I’m Fighting For Farmers,” Des Moines Register, January 6, 2016; Timothy Carney, “Corrected: Cruz Still Favors Slashing Ethanol For the Next Five Years,”,Washington Examiner, January 7, Background on Senator Ted Cruz’s Ethanol Position Ted Cruz’s Actions and Positions On principle, he is opposed to energy subsidies He co-sponsored the “Renewable Energy Fuel Standard Repeal Act” In 2014, he sponsored Senate bill 2170 “American Renaissance Act” He slightly moderated his stance agreeing to continue Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) through 2022 However, the bill would have phased down the ethanol fuel subsidy over time During Iowa Campaign, Cruz stated his support for ethanol as a fuel source Reiterated his position to support gradual phasing out of ethanol subsidies over time Wanted to eliminate EPA’s blend wall to boost ethanol’s market access Renewable Fuel Standard The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) was created in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) and further amended in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) RFS sets the total required amount of renewable fuel, including ethanol, that needs to replace or reduce the petroleum-based fuels for transportation and heating RFS have increasing quotas for renewables through 2022
All of the Other GOP Presidential Candidates are Supportive of Ethanol Subsidies IOWA ETHANOL SUBSIDIESPRESENTATION CENTER February 3, 2016 | Ben Booker Source: Ben Potter, “Every Presidential Candidate’s Position on Ethanol,” Agweb, January 29, 2016; EPA, “Renewable Fuel Standard Program,” February 3, 2016; Ted Cruz, “Cruz: I’m Fighting For Farmers,” Des Moines Register, January 6, 2016; Timothy Carney, “Corrected: Cruz Still Favors Slashing Ethanol For the Next Five Years,” Washington Examiner, January 7, Republican Presidential Candidates’ Stances on Ethanol Subsidies CandidateEthanol Stance Jeb BushOriginally opposed the EISA and ethanol subsidies. However, he is now supportive of ethanol subsidies Ben CarsonSupports the RFS through the 2022 expiration Chris ChristieStrongly supports the RFS Carly FiorinaSupports the RFS through the 2022 expiration John KasichOriginally opposed tax subsidies for ethanol, but favors the RFS’s quota system Marco RubioHas opposed tax credits for ethanol, but he would not change the RFS system as it stands Rick Santorum Supported the ethanol quota system when he ran in 2012 and supports it now Donald TrumpSupports an even higher ethanol mandate
All of the Democratic Presidential Candidates are Supportive of Ethanol Subsidies IOWA ETHANOL SUBSIDIESPRESENTATION CENTER February 3, 2016 | Ben Booker Source: Ben Potter, “Every Presidential Candidate’s Position on Ethanol,” Agweb, January 29, 2016; EPA, “Renewable Fuel Standard Program,” February 3, 2016; Ted Cruz, “Cruz: I’m Fighting For Farmers,” Des Moines Register, January 6, 2016; Timothy Carney, “Corrected: Cruz Still Favors Slashing Ethanol For the Next Five Years,” Washington Examiner, January 7, Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Stances Ethanol Subsidies CandidateEthanol Stance Hillary ClintonSupports the RFS and has stated she wants to invest in rural clean energy development Bernie Sanders Strongly supports a RFS system to combat climate change