1 TVET in Russian Federation National Report 2015 TVET Stock-taking National Reports of the BRICS Countries Moscow, November - 2015 Ministry of Education.


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Presentation transcript:

1 TVET in Russian Federation National Report 2015 TVET Stock-taking National Reports of the BRICS Countries Moscow, November Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Population – mln people 9 Federal Areas 85 Regions Regional labour markets differ as do their economies and living standards Some Facts and Figures

Pre-school Education 4 years Primary General Education 4 years Basic General Education (BGE) 5 years Secondary General Education (SGE) 2 years Secondary General Education (SGE) 2 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled workers BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1 /2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled workers BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1 /2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1/ 2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1/ 2,5 years Higher Education: Specialist 5-6 years Higher Education: Specialist 5-6 years Higher Education: Bachelor 4 years Higher Education: Bachelor 4 years Higher Education: Master 2 years Higher Education: Master 2 years Higher Education: Postgraduate studies Vocational training: training and retraining programmes for Worker Continuing Professional Education

Pre-school Education 4 years Primary General Education 4 years Basic General Education (BGE) 5 years Secondary General Education (SGE) 2 years Secondary General Education (SGE) 2 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled workers BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1 /2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled workers BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1 /2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1/ 2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1/ 2,5 years Higher Education: Specialist 5-6 years Higher Education: Specialist 5-6 years Higher Education: Bachelor 4 years Higher Education: Bachelor 4 years Higher Education: Master 2 years Higher Education: Master 2 years Higher Education: Postgraduate studies Vocational training: training and retraining programmes for Worker Continuing Professional Education

Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled workers BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1 /2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled workers BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1 /2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1/ 2,5 years Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians BGE – 2,5/3,5 years SGE – 1/ 2,5 years L A B O R M A R K E T L A B O R M A R K E T Higher Education

Basic Facts and Figures - TVET 3,300 TVET schools and colleges 400 university departments deliver TVET programmes Overall 2,8 million students Overall teachers and trainers

Vocational Training: Training and Retraining Programmes for Worker Continuing Professional Education Higher Education Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Technicians Secondary Vocational Education: Programs for Skilled worker Basic General Education

TVET legislation The Law “On Education in the RF” Policy Paper “A Set of Measures to Enhance Secondary Vocational education for ”

Major Strategic Programs Strategy of Social and Economic Development – 2020 Strategy of Training the Country’s Work Force up to 2020

Lifelong learning Concept on Adult Learning has been developed to create conditions enabling every individual in the country to get vocational education upgrade the qualifications get re-trained at any period of his/her life

Quality Assurance State oversight and supervision of TVET State accreditation Licensing Independent assessment of education quality Quality management system

Major Development Areas Elimination of skills gaps and skills shortages Development of public-private partnerships Enhancement of TVET attractiveness Internationalization

Links with Labour Market and social partnership National Agency for Qualifications (under the RF President) Sector qualifications councils (18 established) Occupational standards development Modernization of TVET standards based on occupational standards

14 State support of the TVET’ development National and Regional TVET support programmes Implemented by TVET schools together with employers – Improving facilities and equipment – Upskilling teachers – Upgrading programmes

44 from 85 regions of the Russian Federation participate in the movement 2015 WS COMPETITION 2019 KAZAN World Championship 2019 in Russia Развитие движения WorldSkills в Российской Федерации 6 Medals for «Highest skills» Participation of Russian national team: 32 competitors and 39 experts from 16 Russian regions 30 competences out of 50; 14 -th place out of Regions of the Russian Federation are associated members of the Union “World Skills Russia”

16 Key methodological approaches Learning outcomes/competences Active learning Transversal, cross-cultural skills/competences pilot together with German partners of the dual training model in 12 RF regions

Cooperation proposals establishment of cooperation between BRICS research institutes in the field of technical vocational education and training exchange of experiences between our vocational education institutions in their operation and in the field of modern educational technologies 17

18 Areas of Cooperation Skills for sustainable development – green skills Soft skills Work-based learning Better skills for TVET teachers and trainers TVET orientation and carrier guidance – to create a comprehensive system (in the lifelong learning format ODL, Open education resources

Thank you for attention!