“Be great in act, as you have been in thought.”
Born on April 23, 1564 Born in Stratford, England Married Anne Hathaway when he was 18 and she was 26 They had three children Left Stratford after his children were born to go to London
He began acting in He also served as a writer and reviser of plays. At age 28, critics were impressed with his work. He published his first narrative poem, Venus and Adonis in He acted with several acting companies, including the Chamberlain’s Men. He was part owner of the Globe Theater.
Julius Caesar was written in 1599 and it was one of the first plays enacted in the Globe Theater. Shakespeare’s other famous works include: Hamlet Macbeth A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Taming of the Shrew Othello Much Ado About Nothing
He purchased New Place in 1597, one of the largest houses in Stratford. He lived and worked in London until he retired as a wealthy landowner in A collection of his plays, titled the First Folio, was published in 1623.
Shakespeare died at home on April 23, He was buried in the chancel (behind the pulpit)of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. A monument for him was erected a few years later in Westminster Abbey in London.
Chancel of Holy Trinity Church His Grave Behind the Pulpit “Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbeare, To dig the dust encloased heare. Blese be the man that spares thes stones And curst be he that move my bones.”
“Stay, passenger, why goest thou by so fast? Read, if thou canst, whom envious death hath placed Within this monument: Shakespeare with whom Quick nature died, whose name doth check this tomb Far more than cost, sith all that he hath writ Leaves living art but page to serve his wit.”
His plays have been read, enacted, and produced on film more than any others in history. His stories related to the lives of people in the 1600’s and still relate to people today. “I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience.” William Shakespeare