Your friend forgets to bring their homework that’s vital and due in today. Do you: a)Laugh at them b)Tell them “That’s your problem” c)Set their bag on fire so they have a good excuse, for the teacher, as to why they don’t have it. d)Sit down with them in a break before class and help them do it again.
A month ago your friend invited you to their birthday dinner and movie night. Today you get asked to a sleepover on at exactly the same time with some cooler people, and you really want to go to. Do you: a)Go to the Birthday Dinner but get your parents to pick you up early so you can go to the sleepover when things are getting good. b)Say you’ll go to the your friend’s birthday, but then just not turn up and apologise later saying your parents made you go to a family event. c)Slip some laxatives in your friend’s food before the dinner so they’re too sick to have their birthday celebration. d)Go to the Birthday event, because you care about your friend more than you care about sleepovers.
You have a thought that you want to do something nice for your friend. Do you: a)Ignore it. It’ll go away soon. b)Give them a high five, because everyone loves high fives! c)This wouldn’t happen. You’ve never thought about doing anything nice for anyone, ever. d)Think through what their favourite thing to do is, and organise a surprise event where they get to do it.
Your friend has been kidnapped by pirates. Do you: a)Think “Good for them, maybe that’ll teach them not to be such a fool.” b)Send a message to your friend telling them not to worry and to think of Captain Jack Sparrow. c)Do nothing. Pirates are dangerous. d)Do whatever you can to save them, get together a raiding party, raise a ransom, hire some ninjas, train to be a ninja yourself. Don’t rest until your friend is safe.
Your friend is going through a hard time. Do you: a)Say “Well what do you want me to do about it?” b)Say “I’ll pray for you”, but don’t. c)Avoid them until your sure they’re ok. d)Pray with them when they tell you, then regularly pray for them and check to see how they’re going.
Because you care about your friends, do you: a)Think good thoughts about them at least once a week. b)Lend them money and don’t make them pay you back for a week. c)This question doesn’t make sense. You don’t care about your friends. d)Pray for them regularly, thanking God for them, and praying that they will know God better.