DATA DISSEMINATION Publications of Trade Statistics comprise mainly an annual report with detailed trade data, a quarterly report and a Monthly Bulletin giving an overview of trade. These are : The annual Digest of External Trade Statistics The quarterly Economic and Social Indicator and The Monthly Trade Statistics
MONTHLY TRADE STAISTICS Overview of Trade Total exports with components of Domestic exports, Re-exports and Ship’s Stores & Bunkers Total Imports Balance of visible trade Total exports by section for reference month, previous & corresponding months Total Imports by section for reference month, previous & corresponding months Imports & Exports by main trading partners
Quarterly Trade Indicator Quarterly publications The quarterly report on External Trade comprises among other things: Summary of External trade indicating quarterly and yearly : Total exports, Domestic Exports, Re-exports and Ship’s Stores & Bunkers Total Imports Balance of Visible Trade
Quarterly Trade Indicator Imports/exports by commodity/section Imports/exports by country Trade with International or Regional Organisations such as ACP, SADC, COMESA etc.
Digest of Trade Statistics Summary of External Trade Annual report with detailed trade data (SITC section, divisions and groups) Imports/exports by country Trade with International or Regional Organisations such as ACP, SADC, COMESA etc.
Other publications o Annual Digest of Statistics o Mauritius in figures o Five-year series of detailed trade data by HS/SITC and country o Quarterly trade series including the trade balance o All these publications are posted on the Statistics Mauritius website.
Publications Publication Programme available on the Statistics Mauritius website indicating the period covered and date of release of Economic and Social Indicators. Monthly : 7 weeks after reference month Quarterly: 2 months after reference month Yearly : 9 months after reference year
Users of trade statistics The main users are : Government bodies International and Economic Organisations Researchers Students Private Organisations /Investors Bank of Mauritius Consultants Embassies
Successes Timeliness Data quality Publications on website Institutional arrangements User satisfaction Connected on line with Customs Department
METADATA Methodology for International Trade Statistics appears in Data Quality Assessment Framework(DQAF). It is available on Statistics Mauritius website: http//
IMPROVEMENTS Historical Trade series by section and main commodities Historical Trade series by Country Trade by mode of transport (IMTS 2010)
Challenges Implementation of E-Business Plan as objectives of further improvement in : Data quality Timeliness Implementations of IMTS 2010
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