Part 1
To answer the question “what is a database?” To understand the basic components of a database and start to plan/create our own.
Database Table Field Record Primary key
Yellow pages Mobile phones Microsoft Access
Patient information in a hospital Car registration numbers and owners Names and phone numbers of friends Student information in a school Criminal Records What kind of information could we store in a database?
Each table within a database will have a collection of fields and records. e.g. Customer details is a table Tables
Each piece of information in a record is called a field. e.g. Name: Joe Bloggs is a field. Fields
Each set of information about a person / object is called a record. e.g. Name: Joe Bloggs Address: 33 Wood Lane, Porth Phone number: is a record which has 3 fields. Records
Primary key Every table in a database needs a primary key; a primary key uniquely identifies each record in the table. e.g. Applies an ID to a record e.g. St1234
Table Record Field Primary key
Which is better and why? Data storage capacity Faster data retrieval, especially when searching Easier to manage security Amending data is much easier
When information is typed into a database it is stored as a certain format. Text: Any text Number: Only numbers Yes/no: anything with only two possible answers. E.g. yes/no, male/female. Lookup wizard: a drop down menu with multiple choice answers.
Your new band has a set up an online fan club. 100 requests for information on the fan club that have been ed to you. 10 people have sent £10 for information and autographs after talking to the secretary.
Design view Enables you to do the work you need to create a table. i.e. field names and data types. Datasheet The Datasheet View shows the records in a table. Having designed a table you can then go into datasheet and display/add records.