Multiply & Divide with Scientific Notation
43210 In addition to 3, student will be able to go above and beyond by applying what they know about working with integer exponents. The student will be able to work with integer exponents. - Know and apply the properties of exponents. - Simplify numerical expressions with exponents. - Perform operations with scientific notation. With no help the student has a partial understanding of integer exponents. - Is able to use scientific notation to estimate very large or very small numbers. - Interpret scientific notation generated by technology. With help, the student may have a partial understandin g of how to work with integer exponents. Even with help, the student is unable to work with integer exponents. Focus 11 - Learning Goal: The student will be able to work with integer exponents.
Multiply with Scientific Notation When numbers in scientific notation are multiplied, only the numbe r is multiplied. The exponents are added. ( )( ) (2 4) Multiply the numbers and add the exponents.
Multiply with Scientific Notation Practice 1. ( )( ) 1. (4.3 2) ( )(9 10-4) 1. (1.5 9) This isn’t proper scientific notation. Move the decimal in 13.5 to the left and increase the exponent
Divide with Scientific Notation When numbers in scientific notation are divided, only the number is divided. The exponents are subtracted. (9.6 ÷ 1.6) Divide the numbers and subtract the exponents.
Divide with Scientific Notation Practice (7.8 ÷ 1.2) (2.25 ÷ 5) This isn’t proper scientific notation. Move the decimal in 0.45 to the right and decrease the exponent