Mousetrap Cars!!
Rubric Lab Report - 30 Blueprint - 20 Construction of car- 40 Success of car - 5 Creativity – pts total
Lab Report Must clearly show the 7 steps of the scientific method Must be typed and well-written Due the class meeting after final runs Must at least be 2 pages Must demonstrate how your car follows Newton’s 3 laws
Scientific Method 1.Observation 2.Question – How can I use a mousetrap to make a car travel 6 meters? 3.Research 4.Hypothesis 5.Experiment 6.Data 7.Conclusion
Blueprint Must clearly show how the car will be constructed Must be well-labelled Car must follow blueprint specifications Drawings must be neat and meticulous
Construction of Car Must be well-constructed Must be durable and sturdy Must be powered only be the force of the snap of the trap
Success of Car Must travel at least 6 meters! Must have all parts in tact by the stopping point
Creativity Make your mousetrap car as creative and colorful as possible! Add touches to individualize your car and make it your own.