24 April 2015, EEA, Copenhagen Chris Steenmans, Head of ICT and data management programme Hans Dufourmont, Copernicus project manager Eugenija Schuren, Copernicus Reference Data Access component Webinar on setting up Eionet Copernicus in situ task force
Outline Purpose of the Eionet Copernicus in situ task force Organisation of the work in the task force Engagement procedure, selection criteria and contracting Copernicus in situ coordination tasks in the Delegation Agreement Expected output of the task force Scope of the work in the task force Timing
Purpose of the task force Support EEA in setting up and coordinating Copernicus in situ component at EEA
Copernicus in situ coordination tasks in the Delegation Agreement Establishing and maintaining an overview of the state of play of in situ data for Copernicus services Operational provision of cross-cutting in situ data including access to reference data for Copernicus services Managing partnerships with data providers to improve access and use conditions of in situ data for Copernicus services Supporting the European Commission and Copernicus service providers/entrusted entities when seeking for solutions for providing in situ data needed
Scope of the work in the task force Specific tasks of the members in the task force will be directly linked to the annual program for Copernicus in situ component Considerable task volume until 31 December 2015, i.e. the start up period for the in situ coordination activities
The main tasks in the work program for cross- cutting Copernicus in situ coordination Review and update in situ data requirements of Copernicus services Support EEA in organising in situ workshop with Copernicus services in autumn 2015 Establish and/or continue dialogue with European thematic coordination networks aiming at specifying and formalising if needed their role in the thematic coordination of in situ data in cases where cross-cutting needs are identified Contribute with the Copernicus in situ component to GEO/GEOSS
Expected output of the task force in 2015 A roadmap for cross-service in situ coordination Agreement templates for access to in situ data Data policy template(s)
Organisation of the work in the task force Group of 3-5 experts from Eionet organisations, to execute the delegated tasks, coordinated by EEA Working part or full time in their home countries and EEA, if needed Intensive travelling to EEA, EC, technical coordinators of Copernicus services, in situ data providers Interactions with NFP Eionet WG for Copernicus (advisory role)
Engagement procedure Call for expression of interest (CEI) for the task force members will be launched in the Official journal of the EU in coming week(s) – Eionet NFPs will be informed The validity of the CEI is three years which means that applicants can submit their applications any time within those three years (minus three months before the end data of the CEI) List of successful candidates will be continuously updated by EEA and the candidates will be contacted depending on the actual EEA’s needs with the request to submit an individual offer
The main selection criteria Knowledge and experience in the areas related to the tasks of the task force Expected availability of the expert Employment in an Eionet organisation
Contracting Service contracts under Annex IIA to Directive 2004/18/EC worth max EUR can be awarded to the candidate or groups of the candidates Candidates included in the list, if successful during the specific procurement procedures launched under this CEI, may be offered several contracts but the value of each of them may not exceed the above-mentioned threshold
Timing Webinar on 24 April 2015 – pre-announcement to Eionet Validity of the CEI – May 2015 – April 2018 Evaluation of the first batch of the candidates – June/July 2015 Frist contracts – July - September 2015