AAE 450 Spring 2008 Justin M. Rhodes Avionics – Telecommunications Analysis Code Integration and Automation Webmaster Component Rating: The story of the million dollar radio. Avionics. Don’t leave home without us.
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Electronic Parts: Component Rating 1 CommercialClass BClass S Commercial RequirementsClass S Requirements Infinite production lot sizeBuilt one at a time No burn-in testingExtended burn-in time (up to 240 hours) No detailed failure analysisExtended failure analysis No life testing1,000 hour life test on every lot No traceabilityTraceable to the raw materials > 1% failure per 1000 hours allowed0.0001% failures per 1000 hours allowed 1 NASA Electronics Parts Assurance Group Avionics
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Electronic Parts: Cost Factor Example 2 Passive Component (ex: capacitor) Part requirement: S- class Failure rate: 0.01% per 1000 hours Part hours of testing: 31,100,000 hours over one year Resulting reliability: 60% confident level Result: Honeywell “space-rated” radio: $400,000 - $600,000 1 NASA Electronics Parts Assurance Group “ Somebody tell me what this is. Plastic ice cream scoop? What'd that cost? About $400?” - Armageddon
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Future Work... Avionics 3 Report Writing: Sections 4.X Avionics detailed design for vehicle X A Communications design analysis A Link budget analysis A Power distribution design A Vehicle tracking considerations A MAT code server automation design Other: MAT code server automation users guide Team Website: Redesign with team logo and name.
AAE 450 Spring 2008 References 1.“NEPAG Info.” NASA Electronic Parts Assurance Group [online], [cited 05 March 2008]. Avionics 5