Connecting Kids to Justice Day 4
Catholic Social Teaching As Catholics, we believe that all humans have the right to live a healthy and happy life. It is our duty and responsibility to help one another, our families, and our communities. We are commanded by Jesus to “Love One Another As I Love You.”
Saint Francis He is the patron saint of ecology and often shown with his arms outspread, welcoming in the birds and creatures of our world. St. Francis, a real person of faith who lived long ago, taught that when we care for God’s Creation, our planet, we honor God. In fact, it is our responsibility to do so!
Here is a list of things you can do every day to care for our planet and each other. Raise your hand every time you hear something on this list you have done: Recycle paper, cans and bottles Walk or bike instead of drive Bring my own bag to the store Reuse plastic bags and cartons Planted a garden Shut off extra lights to save electricity Only taken the food you can eat.
We can Start Today!
Talk About It What are some other ways you can be good stewards of our planet? What are some things you are already doing?