We change lives by saving sight. ®
Let’s Stay in Touch How do you hear about Saving Sight?
What We Share Volunteer Opportunities Recipient Stories Program Updates: What’s happening with KidSight, cornea donation, and eyeglass recycling? Saving Sight organizational news Vision Health Information
Newsletters & Annual Report Perspectives Print & Online; 3-4 issues per year Saving-sight.org/perspectives Sightlines Online; Monthly – 1st Fri of month Subscribe: saving-sight.org/sightlines Annual Report Online at saving-sight.org/about
Social Media Follow us on social media: Facebook.com/WeAreSavingSight Vimeo.com/WeAreSavingSight LinkedIn.com/company/Saving-Sight
& Lions Publications District Newsletters Monthly Print & 1-3 pages Missouri Lion Quarterly 5-page spread Print & Missouri Lion Listserv Weekly list of vision screenings (2 wks) Subscribe: PDG J.Y. Miller at w/request Monthly Screening s by District List of vision screenings in next 45 days Sent by Jason Noland to each district
Brochures Saving Sight & KidSight available Download and/or request brochures online: sight.org/request- brochures sight.org/request- brochures
Discussion Where and how else can we reach Lions? What questions do you have about Saving Sight communications?