Partners in Action 10 Tips for Dealing with Doctors
The Doctor’s Office Schedules and Appointments Telephone Access Communication Billing and Finances Hours and Call
The Medical Secretary Referrals, Resources and Appts. Gatekeeper of Time Marketing Opportunity Multi-disciplinary Team Medical Secretary Association
Role of the Doctor Resource Expert Consultant Medical Advisor Reviewer Medical Referral
Evidence –Based Medicine Have our facts and resources ready and researched Find credible medical references Go to Gold Standard –Cochrane Group –CMA –NEJM
Patient-Centered Find familiar references to their practice Know their interest and expertise Practical, time efficient patient interventions that make their job easier
Medical Associations and Organizations Provincial,National Licensing Special Interest Position Papers Partner Projects
Champions within the Profession Find the leaders and opinion settters Find the motivators Bring the Shakers on side Use the most visible MD’s Find the right person for the job
Education Collaboration Community Resources Programs outside the MD office Progress Notes Provide Upgrades Supply and Restock office handouts
Research Collaborations N=1 Case Studies Case- Control Groups Cohort Studies Multi-Center RCT
Recognition and Rewards Office Plaque Newspaper article Certificate of Merit Invitation to community event Dignitary role in the Activity