Welcome to the 2006 SNM-TS Educational Summit on Programmatic Transition! June 2005 – SNMTS proposed the baccalaureate degree become the standard for entry level technologists by November 2005 – An educational summit was held in Reston, Virginia to discuss the proposal and initiate a strategy to implement the proposal. December 2005 – The entry level task force was divided into four subcommittees. - Curriculum Development - Programmatic Transition - External Stakeholders - Campaign Outreach - Campaign Outreach February 2006 – The SNMTS leadership received and approved a core curriculum document submitted from the entry level task force at the SNM Mid-Winter Meeting in Tempe, Arizona.
SNM-TS Educational Summit for Programmatic Transition held in Pittsburgh, PA on November 4 th, 2006 February - May Members of the Curriculum Development subcommittee collected information to begin work on the professional curriculum and to identify possible additions/modifications for the core curriculum. - Members of the Programmatic Transition subcommittee begin to gather and identify issues and obstacles for transitioning existing NMT Programs to the baccalaureate level. Work began on developing possible models for programmatic transition. - Members of the External Stakeholders subcommittee continued to communicate our progress and discuss issues with our various stakeholders to garner support for this initiative. - Members of the Campaign Outreach subcommittee communicated the progress and objectives of the initiative in a number public formats. (articles, presentations, website, forums)
June SNM leadership announced expansion and inclusion of our profession into the realm of Molecular Medicine. It was reported that emerging technologies and the development in diagnostic and therapeutic molecular medicine will plot the course for nuclear medicine’s future. - Early reports from an extensive survey conducted by the Centers for Workforce Studies in regards to nuclear medicine were presented at the annual meeting. The report substantiated a need for increasing educational content and curriculum standardization for NMT Programs. - A forum was held at the annual meeting to discuss the entry level initiative with educators and the general membership. - Discussions to revise the existing scope of practice and other documents that identify the task and responsibilities for the NMT was initiated. - A request was made and approved by the SNM-TS leadership to fund a summit in the fall of 2006 to specifically address programmatic transition with educators. SNM-TS Educational Summit for Programmatic Transition held in Pittsburgh, PA on November 4 th, 2006
That brings us all to this day in Pittsburgh… That brings us all to this day in Pittsburgh… SNM-TS Educational Summit for Programmatic Transition held in Pittsburgh, PA on November 4 th, 2006