Birmingham Public Schools A K-12 Narrative of Social Studies Education in 2015
12 th Grade American Government
In 12 th Grade American Government, an African- American student named Jordan is 18 years old. He needs major encouragement to speak up and to seek help. Using Power School or your own files, add a picture of your student.
Conditions In American Government, Jordan is asked to participate during each class session either through group discussions, whole class discussions, or when called on by me. Current events are discussed each day, along with American Government curriculum, and Jordan will spend entire class periods analyzing, interpreting, contributing, and formulating opinions based on Point of View and Claim/Evidence. Macgruder textbook, handouts, internet resources, media center resources and staff, videos, PowerPoint, websites, projects, and discussion circles have prompted Jordan we participate especially know he may be called on to contribute! Jordan is learning to respond to questions and that his opinion is valued. Some of the material is above grade level or requires a prior knowledge base. Resources used are aligned to standards. Some resources require adaptation and modification. Reading strategies are also taught to assist students in reading content area materials.
Major Units of Study Citizenship and Rights Citizenship and Responsibilities Constitutional Principles Assessments-quizzes/tests, writing assignments, blogs, vocabulary assignments, research projects, class election, field trips
Foundational Skills & Concepts Bullet 4-5 concepts/skills that would be most beneficial for students to know and be able to do before they enter your class/grade level.
Assessment Strategies In this box, list some of the assessment strategies that are used in social studies at your grade level. Are the assessments from a resource or are they teacher created? Share if any are common. How does your diverse student respond to these assessments? In this box, share any connections that your social studies curriculum has with… The goals of the Strategic Plan BPS Learner Profile C3 Framework (Inquiry Arc) Social and Emotional Learning Standards Character Education’s 11 Principles NCSS Vision