Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation
Collaborative program, organized by: Friends of the Tay Watershed Otty Lake Association Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Tay Valley Township Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County Majority of funding granted through the Ontario Trillium Foundation $96,000 over three years Additional funding from the Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation and the Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County
All lake groups are encouraged to begin developing lake management plans LMP information Workshops 3 lakes from within TVT and Tay River Watershed Customized technical guidance ‘State of the Lake’ report Finalized LMP
The majority of planning and work involved in developing a lake management plan will be carried out by the lake group and their volunteers.
All lake groups Provide informational material DirectionWorkshops 3 core lakes Provide assistance where local expertise is lacking, including: Program Management Interpretation of data Completion of reports
All lake groups Be ambassadors for the lake and the plan Encourage partnerships and discussion Spark enthusiasm and interest Motivate people to participate 3 core lakes Prepare a proposal and attend an interview Plan, collect information, recruit volunteers, fundraise, etc. Communicate regularly with the Program Manager Provide annual reports and information
Care about a lake Ensure the Program Manager has your contact information “There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” Denis Waitley
Need/Desire Knowledge of the issues Commitment/Involvement Communication with property owners and community partners Ability to raise funds Knowledge and understanding of LMP process Other stakeholder interest
For more information about the Lake Management Planning Program, please contact the Program Manager: Sheanna Tinlin Ext 1173 Rideau Lakes Environmental Foundation