1 IRES, Chapter 10 Dissemination Ilaria DiMatteo United Nations Statistics Division The Oslo Group on Energy Statistics Fifth meeting, Cork, Ireland, 1-4 February 2010
2 A first draft of Chapter 10 was discussed at the 4 th OG meeting. The Group: – –Agreed with its general structure and the proposed recommendations – –Reiterated the importance of developing recommendations on dissemination within the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics – –Acknowledged that the issues of confidentiality need to be further addressed
3 A revised version was discussed during the 1 st Virtual Meeting. Among the conclusions: Removed ‘international reporting’ from the list of issues covering dissemination policy, and added ‘dissemination of metadata and quality reports’ to the list Encourage countries to release provisional data no later than 2 months for monthly data (1 month if capable) 3 months for quarterly data 15 months for annual data (9-12 months if capable) Remove list of data items for international dissemination included mention that data suppression due to confidentiality should be clearly indicated in metadata. Recommendation for international reporting revised
4 The Oslo Group is invited to: (a) review the recommendations in the chapter (b) provide additional comments to the chapter
5 Thank You very much for your kind attention!