Trouble on the Frontier EQ: How did the French and Indian War impact the colonies? The British General Wolfe Dies During the Battle of Quebec
Competing Empires By the middle of the 1700s, England and France have a huge territory in North America that borders along each other The British are expanding west and it is creating conflict with both the French and Native Americans
The French and Indian War In 1753, the French build forts along the Ohio River Valley to protect their claims against the British Early battles took place between the French, their Native American allies and the British along the Ohio River Valley George Washington eventually surrenders and returns to Virginia with the news that France will not back down, war breaks out in 1754 A Young George Washington
The Albany Congress The colonies wanted to protect themselves against the French so colonial leaders met in Albany, New York They hoped to establish an alliance with the Iroquois but failed Benjamin Franklin advocated for unity Benjamin Franklin’s Famous Cartoon Published in the Pennsylvania Gazette
Albany Plan of Union Franklin drew up a plan to help protect the colonies called the Albany Plan of Union. The plan called for: A council of representatives from the colonies The council would have authority over western settlements The council could organize armies and collect taxes The Albany congress approves it, but the colonial assemblies reject the plan
Military Campaign General Braddock was the British Officer selected to fight against the French Major difference in tactics between Europe (open field fighting) and North America (guerilla). Killed at ambush near Fort Duquesne. Other major British losses before formal War: Fort Niagara, Lake George. British losses after formal War: Fort Oswego detroyed, Fort William Henry.
Military Campaign (Continued) Gen. James Wolfe new British leader in 1758. Captured Ft. Louisbourg, then Ft. Duquesne. ChangedFt. Duquesne to Ft. Pitt (after the new Prime Minister), which later became a city:
Military Campaign (Continued) Successes led to the Iroquois Tribe to side with England. Tribes who sided with England: Iroquois Confederacy and Cherokee. Tribes who sided with France: Algonquin, Wabanaki
The Treaty of Paris After continuous fighting, the French and Indian War (The 7 Years War) ends with France’s surrender in 1763 after losing Quebec and Montreal The major effects of the war: France ceded almost all of its North American territories to Britain (Canada and all French territory east of the Mississippi) Native Americans cannot stop British settlers from moving west England is left with a huge debt