Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and standards Ruth Duerr National Snow and Ice Data Center Version Review Date
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Things to think about What are the natural ways the material you will be creating could be organized? Does your community have standards that you should be following?
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Potential O&S topics to cover: Data gathering procedures and quality control Directory structures Identifiers and naming standards Versioning File formats Metadata standards Documentation As with everything in data management, scale matters!
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Example 1 – A large-scale project: Cold Lands Processes Experiment (CLPX) 80+ investigators Wide variety of earth bound, airborne and satellite sensors Manual snow pit measurements Several model data sets too! Data acquired at several different scales (MSA, ISA, LSOS, LRSA)
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Most critical CLPX topics Data gathering procedures and quality control Directory structures Identifiers and naming standards Versioning File formats Metadata standards Documentation
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Example 2 – Small scale science: A veterinarian studying effects of oil on bird mortality Single investigator Result is a spreadsheet of subjects, blood sample analyses and mortality outcomes
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Most critical bird health topics Data gathering procedures and quality control Directory structures Identifiers and naming standards Versioning File formats Metadata standards Documentation
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? More potential topics What community standards aren’t you going to use and why? What standards gaps are there and how are you going to help fill them?
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? References and Resources Detailed questionnaire put together by the Data Conservancy about everything that might be important for your data management plan, V.1.pdf V.1.pdf California Digital Library’s on-line DMPTool, NSF’s data management plan requirements are available at NASA Data Policy science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/ science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/
Elements of a Data Management Plan: Organization and Standards; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Other Relevant Modules For a high level overview of the content of a Data Management Plan see Data Management: Elements of a Plan For details of other sections of a Data Management Plan see: Identify materials to be created Roles and responsibilities Describing and documenting your data Standards Data access, sharing and re-use policies Backups, archives, and preservation strategy